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Ungrateful SS15

Stormyweather's picture

Venting again about living with an ungrateful teenager who gets upset when you dont make a big deal out of his birthday or Christmas (loads of presents and throwing him a party and cake) but ignores yours!!!!!!

I notice he has nearly $100 in his wallet (its sticking out of his wallet and it was sitting on the kitchen bench) and no card for my 50th last week and he forgot about his own fathers 51st which was 2 days ago! Finally said happy birthday to him after he realised it was his birthday when I came home from work with a scrummy birthday cake (I had given DH a sweet card and present that morning before I left for work).

I mean, I honestly dont care about my birthday not being acknowledged, but come on....his own fathers? He didnt buy him a fathers day card last year as well. Nothing.

I WISHED he could go and live with BM...but she conveniently put a restraining order on her won son to teach him a lesson!!! So yeah, now all the parenting falls to my DH (perfect planning I guess from BM).

I feel for my DH....and even he made a comment to SS15 about SS15 just coming home to eat and sleep and then leave. I guess its the stage that teenagers go through although I never did and always acknowledged peoples birthdays and special events. Selfish, entitled teenager!

Disneyfan's picture

Were these kids ever taught to acknowledge their fathers' birthday? If they were, what happened the first year they were old enough to do something on their own but didn't?

Stormyweather's picture

I hear you and agree.....particularly the sentence "Unfortunately, in many cases even before the divorce the parents are set up in an adversarial "the kids like me better than you" dynamic and would never in a million years encourage or foster a good relationship between the kids and their other parent"....this is the dynamic for sure whereas when I divorced from my exh, we insisted on keeping things civil for the sake of our girls (now 19, 24 and 25); even attending Christmas lunch together and still giving each other little gifts when appropriate.

I have deliberately stepped back over the years as I honestly wanted DH to truly "see his kids" for who they are which in my eyes is "entitled and spoilt"....I used to get together to arrange presents for DH and acknowledge special days etc only to notice how little they do for their father and how much he does for I decided to step back and stop organizing so now DH is noticing how little his kids authentically want to do for him or recognize his efforts. Im not happy this has happened as I see how little they do, but I didnt raise them and I continue to go about having a lovely time with my 3 beautiful and caring daughters. My girls vs his children (his son is 15 turning 16 next month, daughter 18 and eldest daughter 20) are chalk and cheese and its soooooo obvious. But it is what it is.