Unemployed BMs... I'm sure there a lot of us SMs with this problem
I think it is so, so pathetic for a BM to expect these large sums of CS but at the same time think it's okay to be unemployed. I know that this has been spoken of time and time again on this site, but it just annoys me to no end.
When BM and DH would alternate weeks, and had a clear cut 50/50 schedule DH still paid CS. BM never worked more than 20 hrs a week and the majority of the time she didn't work at all. For a long time SD was her only child and every other week she'd literally sit on her ass and watch television during the weeks she didn't have SD. She'd bitch that my DH didn't pay her enough. Even with the CS SD hardly ever had new clothes. Only hand me downs and we'd often get her back in clothes that didn't fit properly.
Fast forward to now. She only has SD 3 weekends per month. She has another child. She and her boyfriend are struggling to get by. DH no longer pays child support. We pay for all of her school related expenses, medical expenses, etc. BM does nothing to help out and has NEVER offered DH any help with SD's expenses. She has stuck her hand out and asked HIM for gas money to pick up SD because they are hurting. The best part is, BM is unemployed! How about this BM. GET A JOB! You can do it, I promise. :sick:
OMG, YES. In the seven
OMG, YES. In the seven years I've been with SO, BM has had ONE job...she worked 8 hours a week, and she had that job for maybe 6 months. My steps live with us Sunday-Friday and are at her house Friday and Saturday night only, and we still have to pay her child support, PLUS we pay for absolutely everything for them (clothes, school supplies, EVERYTHING). DH works full time, I have 2 part time jobs, PLUS I take care of her two kids, AND my own two bios. While she sits on her ass. It infuriates me to no end. Oh, and she bitches that she doesn't get enough CS!!! She has said before she can't afford to buy groceries (she only ever feeds them peanut butter sandwiches and cereal). And, to top it off, she has remarried and her husband doesn't have a job either. Seriously, WTF. Her husband did work for several years (he recently lost his job)...but she said during that time that she felt bad asking her husband for any money towards anything for her kids (meanwhile I have spent MANY of my paychecks on clothes for them).
Lazy pieces of crap, they are.
Our BM has been unemployed
Our BM has been unemployed for 18 months. I will say, that despite repeatedly quitting or getting fired from jobs while she was married to DH, she stepped up and got a job for the 5 years she was going through the divorce and was single. She even had three different jobs after marrying a sugar daddy "good provider". She quit one to move for his job, (can't really blame her for that one) and was fired from two.
Apparently her husband is a pushover, because she immediately started spending to their dual-income credit limit. Then she lost her job, and made very few attempts to get another one. It got to the point where even SD16 was scornful.
It looks like the unemployment has finally run out, because SD16 says that she had two job interviews in the last two weeks. It's about time! The unemployment rate in her metro area is 4.8% - EXTREMELY low compared to the rest of the country. It sounds like she's getting a very low-paying job with a 30-mile one-way commute. Have fun with that, BM, in your 2012 Dodge Durango! My bet is that either she won't get the job, or she'll quit once she realizes that all of her money is going into the gas tank.
BM apparently just got a job.
BM apparently just got a job. Let's just see how long this one lasts. The last one lasted 2 weeks then she quit. She likes to tell my SO that he doesn't deserve to see his kids because he doesn't pay her enough, yet he sends her money for EVERYTHING. Even when we don't have money to give, he gives her money. Stupid BM is also on food stamps and everything else (which I'm pretty sure that she hasn't reported this new job yet and that she hasn't reported that her grandparents and sister also live in the same house--which I'm pretty sure is welfare fraud, but I can't prove it). It disgusts me that there are people out there who work for what they have while people like our BMs are getting hand outs because they think that they are entitled to them.
I thought that having kids
I thought that having kids and collecting child support was a job?!?! (I was being sarcastic) My FDH's ex is the CEO of that!
My FDH's ex only has a grade 8 education and has made a living by having multiple kids with multiple men... I guess she makes more money then having all the kids with one man!
My husbands ex worked about
My husbands ex worked about 20 hours a week, had a live in boyfriend living in her's and my ex-husbands house, she refused to leave and sell it, so that my husband could move on... Meanwhile the whole entire time she got $650.00 per month for each child (2)and $700.00 in indefinite alimony...This went on for years, until the children became 18 and stopped moving back and forth between the two homes and she finally married her live in boyfriend,(alimony ended then). She got a huge inheritance (over a half million dollars) five years later every bit of it is gone and she owes everyone in town...
Believe me I had to work my behind off when my husband had no money because of her lazy a**! While she did nothing and I got to hear everyday, how much money did you make today? Don't spend it all at the grocery store because we have bills today..
I know all about BM only working a few hours a week and getting tons of money for it.
BM2 has never worked. She
BM2 has never worked. She only pays the state mandated minimum allowable amount of CS. Why? Because she spawned out 4 other little ones with her husband after DH tossed her to the curb. DH has full custody.
BM1 has also never held a job, and has no degree of any sort, so the judge imputed her income at 40 hours per week at minimum wage, plus her PFD and Native Share Dividends since she collects those as well.
I think it's perfectly fair that BMs should have their income imputed, whether they are non custodial or have shared custody or full custody. I am fully in favor of women staying home with their children if they can afford it. I stay home with mine, but I also think the financial repercussions should be their responsibility.
If a BM is unemployed and has never worked, her income should be imputed at full time minimum wage. If a BM has a degree or a professional skill that she chooses not to work at, her wages should be imputed at what the average would be if she was working full time in that field, regardless of the reasons she isn't working. Fair is fair.
Our bm has been unemployed
Our bm has been unemployed going on 2 years without unemployment insurance and is ordered to pay CS to us. That being said she has no income whatsoever and relies on her hoo hah to feed her face and roof her self. Its pretty pathetic.
There are many groups out
There are many groups out there trying to change child support guidelines. In my state, incomes of both parents are considered, and minimum wage is imputed for unemployed. Take your anger and use it for good; there are lots of men who could use your help to change the laws!
My biggest joy is knowing that the controlling, bitchy bm is doing a job she absolutely HATES because she has no skills whatsoever. Oh I LOVE it! And she gets plenty from my bf. He is already planning "life after child support." LOL
I just remember the glaring
I just remember the glaring disparity between our two households:
Household #1 (me, DH and BS):
2 adults working FT
1 teen working PT, attending HS
Household #2 (PB, SD, SS):
NOBODY working even PT
Take a wild guess which household was the one with the 5 bedroom new house and new car? And which household was the ones with the fixer-upper old house and 15+ year old cars?
I don't know WHO in the hell came up with the guidelines that were supposed to make OUR two households more financially equitable using CS!
Yep skylark same here our
Yep skylark same here
our house hold (dh, me, dd, ds)
We ALL have a job me and dh full time and dd and ds part time
Bm house hold (bm ss16 ss, ss)
NOBODY has a job and bm says that dh OWES her for the rest of his life and uses the excuse that she can't work b/c she is get this drum roll please ..... A MOTHER! :sick:
That is why WE can go to DISNEY! DUH hello! Anytime yuck says anything about how we are the only ones she knows that can afford these things, dh tells her that she can too if she got a job. lol }:)
The sad part is, your SC will
The sad part is, your SC will grow up and be the same way. This is what I'm battling now. SD20 REFUSES to get a job. We pay her rent, cell phone, medical, dental insurance, car repair, gas while SD is in continuing education (she graduates in August). She feels it is required because she is her father's daughter. She thinks all the money comes from daddy, not SM.
My DH and I are NOTHING like this. We both work hard. BM never worked and used the excuse that because the two of us work, we can afford nice things, etc. BM's are lazy! not all, but all the ones I know. They think that DH should pay for everything.
I have a friend who divorced her husband. He pays her $450.00 a month in child support for a 13 year old daughter. My friend tells me that she spends $110.00 a week in groceries, so there goes all the CS. I tried to break it down for her. $110.00 per week, split it in half, $60.00 per week. That is the portion for you to eat, the other $60.00 for your daughter. Now divide that in half, $30.00. That is what BF is responsible a week to pay towards your grocery bill. She doesn't get it but it's really basic math.
always i would STOP paying
always i would STOP paying all sd bills! She needs to fall flat on her face to understand that she should be paying her own bills. I soooo would NOT be standing by and letting my dh pay that crap! And if he wouldn't stop I'd be gone. My dh knows that too. I don't pay for my dd's bills expect her cell phone and ins. the reason is b/c she works her butt off for her scholarships and she works part time but she knew that I won't pay for her rent and other things. So my point is that IF the sd is working her butt off and doesn't expect I'd pay her cell if she really needs one. But if they are not working at least part time I will not help. Help is just that help not to be expected. I'd do the same for my skids but if they don't have a job the answer is a HUGE NO and dh and understands that.
We gave her until 2-15 to get
We gave her until 2-15 to get a job or she would have to move in with us or elsewhere if she had a place to go (she has burned every bridge with everyone) On the 16th, she started to scream at me on the phone so I shut her phone off. we cut her off cold turkey. But she knew this was coming. I think DH felt bad for her (what else is new) and he tried to use the excuse that she is in school. I chose my battle wisely on this and let it go for a couple of months, I wanted DH to get mad for a change, instead of me being the one to freak out. It worked. SD isn't speaking to us right now, and DH said to stop paying BM for Parent Loan. I'm sort of torn, I hate giving that women money, but again I am a person of my word and I made the agreement to help with education costs.
Reverse two years ago, we kicked SD out for Physical abuse. She didn't speak to us for two years. She lived with whoever would take her or let her stay with them at that time. Her BM won't let her stay with her even. So, it doesn't matter really, SD is one who Exists, she doesn't LIVE a life. When I tell her how much I worked at her age she responds, That was you, this is me." It's pathetic really. The other sad part is that DH's parents (SD's grandparents) are enablers. They act as if she is still a little girl and hand her over money after money. They actually bought her her car. They refer to her as "a teenager". They are retired and I hate to see them waste there retirement on her, I think this is why my DH helps so much as well. Thanks for responding.
Totally understand this. Bm
Totally understand this. Bm for my SD has worked a whole 6 months in the kids whole life and she's 17 1/2. And now BM only sees the kid 20 hours a week and we still pay CS to her for that. Why because she's now on social security. SSI. The taxpayer kid cause she hasn't earned anything and I course none of her income counts in determining CS. I totally understand and I must say its extremely frustrating. I was sick vomiting for 2 years every day and still went to work every day. My mother has fibromyalgia and many other health issues and still works. Boggles my min and irritates me to no end when I see others living off other people.
its using the kids. Breaks my heart. 
Completely understand your
Completely understand your frustration. BM has been doing hair for at least 20yrs now and claims she doesn't make hardly any money since the economy is bad. She only works roughly 20hrs a week and expects my BF to pay for everything! BM and her BF apparently are struggling. Well how about you get another job at a different salon or work more hours! She is too busy playing house with her BF's daughter and doesn't want to work! SHe expects everything to be handed to her! I honestly have a lot of hatred for this woman and can't stand to even hear her name, let alone look at her. I don't understand how she can even call herself a mother. I understand exactly how you feel.