bf, sd, sd's boyfriend, and myself are going to an event being held a couple of counties from us. im not mad sd's boyfriend is going, he seems nice, his family seems nice and he is paying for his own ticket.
what i am mad about is sd asked if he could sleep over. um, no. here's the reason i said NO:
1. I DO NOT TRUST HER. that boy wouldnt stay on the couch all night. im not dumb. AND GIVEN THE FACT SHE IS ALMOST POSITIVE SHE IS PREGGERS BY THIS FUCKIN KID. like seriously sd?
bf is upset cause he has to drive the opposite direction to pick up sd's bf tomorrow. he WANTS him to spend the yeah bf, lets enable your daughter's promiscuity...lets just get her some condoms and say have at it....wut a dumbass.
he is letting her stay the night with him at his uncles place (he goes there on the weekends). yeah, so bf yells at me about the distance and all that and i say to him:
"i dont trust your daughter. i know she does things when out of this house. but the only way to stop that is to not let her go out. but you choose to allow it. therefore, i will NOT enable it by letting her have her bf sleep here in the house. if you were off of work tonight, then that decision would be yours. but you are working and i am saying NO to a coed sleepover. grow the fuck up bf, cause soon youre gonna be a grandaddy"
lol, my bf is working
lol, my bf is working tonight. naw, he is letting his daughter stay the night with her boyfriend elsewhere. im employing the 'not my kid not my problem' attitude tonight. the only thing im NOT lookin forward to is FMIL is watching bd5 tomorrow while we go to the event and im sure she will have a problem with sd sleepin at a boys house, but the way i see it, if she thinks she can handle sd, let her fuckkin do it herself.
How old is she?
How old is she?
she's 13, the boy is 15. she
she's 13, the boy is 15.
she told me that they had sex the other night and he came in her.
the last 2 days she has had cramping and her boobs hurt.
our family dr is going to do a blood preg test at the end of this month.
she is due for her period next on like the 17th of this month.
she isnt the brightest crayon in the disabled bd5 has more common sense than sd13.
I wouldn't be able to go to
I wouldn't be able to go to the event if it was me. I would be so appalled by the behavior of everyone involved, it would turn my stomache.
Does your SO know that his THIRTEEN YEAR OLD might be pregnant?
Wow, I would send that child to live elsewhere or seriously rethink my relationship with SO.