^that is exactly how I feel right now.
BM sends a message to SO saying that we can NOT have SD overnight tomorrow night only 5 to 9 since she has also been recording times and whatnot and she is only going to go by HER calendar....WTF?
I know FOR A FACT that our calander is right because I meticulously have color coded it and written notes by each one. Will this hold up as contempt if we complain when she doesn't let us have her overnight? We KNOW we are right on this one, she is just being difficult. Now shes making up imaginary overnights that never happened! Shes totally backwards! uggggggh whhhhhy?? You would THINK she would be happy to have a Friday night off eh? what the eff ever.
Kid Free Nights....
Kid Free Nights.... EXACTLY!!!
No lol she is only 2 We
No lol she is only 2
We haven't reached THAT stage of manipulation and bullshit yet, trying to nip it in the bud now while SD is still young you know?
Sounds like you need to start
Sounds like you need to start taking date and time stamped photos to coordinate with your calendar. Make them like a "proof of life" photo, with that days newspaper in the photo too.
Oh yeah. My skids BM thinks she's smooth. I know how to play her games...
The court order says EVERY
The court order says EVERY SUNDAY overnight and every other FRIDAY overnight. The alternating Fridays between those are from 5-9pm.
She is claiming that THIS Friday, today, is only a 5-9. but she is WRONG. I have it color coded on my calander saying that tonight is an overnight. The thing is she is saying that HER calander (yeah right, we all know she is too lazy for any kind of actual orginazation) says that tonight is a the CO really can't help us on this one, its our word against hers. I wish I had taken photos though :/ thats a good idea.
One trait of most crazy BM's
One trait of most crazy BM's is selective memory. Ours is so important even though she does NOTHING all day she has had to ask her BFF for the kids schedule with SO
this is unbelievable. fine!
this is unbelievable. fine! go by her calendar, have her provide you one that she creates and she has the exact same one for herself. tell her if she doesn't provide you with a calendar specifically stating your parenting times in one week then you will provide one for her.
There are also resources for divorced parents where it keeps stuff like this in check. The ones I've seen cost for a membership though. I googled "divorce calendar" and a bunch came up.
here is one that popped up
sorry you are dealing with this!
Just called the caseworker
Just called the caseworker and surprise! He didn't answer :/
We're just going to keep her overnight anyway, she will probably threaten to call the police...if she does, SO will be here waiting with the court order and the calendar and she can suck it. I can not WAIT to go back to court, she thinks she can still manipulate him into doing what she wants haha NOT gonna happen
Thanks guys
I'll let ya'll know how tonight goes
me thinks bm has plans NEXT
me thinks bm has plans NEXT friday and is trying to 'swap' by pulling the calendar trick
^good point overit lol...I
^good point overit lol...I was looking through all of our old texts to see if I had messed up on the schedule somewhere and I didn't! But I did find a text from BM a couple of weeks ago asking if SO could take SD on a friday that he wasn't supposed to have her overnight and he said no because he had to work hahahaha!!!
Im so glad I learned how to screen print! Sorry feeling a little gleeful right now lol...I've been waiting for over a year for her to finally start messing up and catch her in her lies...that was the lawyers advice, just lie low and give her just enough rope to hang herself with so when we do go back to court she looks like an even bigger idiot! yay
heres the original situation that lead to this...oh my favorite, got a message from her last night saying "why don't you just go to work Friday night and make some money to pay off your garbage and cell you peice of shit..instead of always trying to take MY daughter from me?"....umm yeah, we paid the cell yesterday which we promptly let her know, and the only reason we have a growing pile of "garbage" (all neatly in bags btw not just strewn across the yard) in the garage is because we are in the middle of renovating our kitchen (which I am using MY tax money on so she can't bitch about SO and his money ect ect) yes there is a bunch of crap out there right now....such a bitch.
Oh and I know, I was super forgiving the other day and wanted to try to get along with her, but I changed my mind...still going to be passive agressive nice but I'm not going to try to be her friend anymore.
soooo after hours of SO on
soooo after hours of SO on the phone with BM telling her that we are in fact right and she can threaten all she wants, it kind of got resolved. SO goes to pick SD up at 5 , BM had just hung up on him on the phone but when he got there she just said "well, I guess you can keep her tonight, but I'm taking this to my lawyer and just so you know, all the crap you keep pulling, we're recording it and are going to use it against you in court"...oh then she went on to state that SHE is the boss because SHE has PC therefore HE HAS to do whatever she says when she says it because he has no say in the matter. LOL, ok BM...keep talking to your imaginary lawyer who is giving you useless advice. funnyfunnyfunny :D...But at least we got SD tonight which is great