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Two more days until all h3ll breaks loose.

stepmum's picture

The process server will have her served by Thursday morning. Husband is anxious and of course not looking forward to the ensuing conversation. She will probably scream, yell, curse, threaten, etc. She kept telling him in previous conversations when he first said he was taking her to court, "Are you mad at me? That's the only reason I can think of that you would do this." UH, NO. As usual it has NOTHING TO DO WITH -YOU-.

She's always acknowledged my existence, but in this really creepy way, thanking me for taking good care of her kids, adding me as an afterthought in letters to my H. She thinks I'm a cute replacement, a placeholder for her, someone that is just taking care of her kids until the day she can step back into this role and take over from there.

My husband finds it interesting that I seem to be relishing all of this so much for the last three months. Are you kidding me? I've been studying law for 2 years. I intend to DESTROY her in the courtroom and get back at her for everything she's put us through.

She might have been able to control us before this, but SHE'S ON MY TURF NOW.

I told him, it's just another day in the life, baby, and it'll soon be over. But we know it's never really over, right, girls and guys? :sick:

Tara12's picture

I read some of your earlier posts and I am a little confused. Did the BM actually stay in your home/live with guys for awhile? How/why did you allow that? Did I read that wrong? Anyways in the matter of CS if she doesn't pay it will just add up and eventually your DH will get the money. Probably til the kids are 30! My son is turning 22 this mth and I started finally receiving child support a couple of years ago - he owed me about $26K. The funny thing was that he went to jail for 3 years and the case worker had the nerve to call me and ask if I would let the time in jail go by and CS could be reinstated when he got out. He was only supposed to pay $196/mth. I told the woman that that was not my problem that he got himself in to this situation and what about all those other years he didn't pay child support when he was hiding his income by working under the table, putting his cars in other people's names, etc., and still didn't give me a dime? Well let me tell you if it was BM she would have been sucking you guys dry for child support AND GETTING IT. Karma is a bitch. Good luck with your situation I hope everything works out for you.