Tired of lies
So today is the second day of having ss7 and ss9. Today they called their mom and said the babysitter locked them out of the house and was taking a nap. DH called and babysitter was not sleeping and did not lock them out. She told them to go play outside for a while because we don't want them to play video games all day. This is not the first lie they have told about what happens at our house. They go home and tell mom that dad's new wife is mean to them. When asked what specifically I do that is mean, they say I make them follow the rules (how dare I). They have lied about me, my biokids and my dh. I am so sick of being lied about. I don't even know what to do any more.
i agree, never be alone with
i agree, never be alone with these children. you could find an abuse claim thrown your way or BM could try to remove your husband's visitation time.
Umm... not to be contrary,
Umm... not to be contrary, but what was the sitter doing inside when the 7 and 9 year old were outside?? She should have been outside with them, playing with them.
As for them lying about you, try not to take it personally. They're probably saying what BM wants to hear. Kids - even ones who are NOT in high conflict situations! - will often lie about what's going on at the other parent's house. They want both parents on "their side" so they say what they figure will get them that. They'll start telling you lies about BM too soon, I'm sure.