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SS lies about me in his therapy sessions

SMof2's picture

So, I really try not to let this bother me, but it has gone to anothe rlevel.
My step son and step daughter have had such awful behavior that their parents decided to take them to counseling which I think is much over do.
My issue is my step son has made up so many lies and told the counselor I am treating him bad, mean, and abusing him that they have called child services and have investigated us (my husband and I). They have also investigated his mother's home which they found to be unfit for both of then due to her actions. Apparently they are not considered safe there. So, now they must come live with us full time while their mother gets her self together. How do I deal with him apparently hating me and making up such awful lies about me. he has put so much starin on the family and I find it difficult to even look at him most days. How would you alld eal with this?

SMof2's picture

Wow I am sorry yo have to go through this.
I find it easier to walk away as well, and I am neve alone with him anymore.
Its sad though I feel like a risoner in my own home because I am watched like a hawk and anything and everything I say is misinterpreted and made to be something against him or his mother I have no idea why he thinks I care about them that much to even spend time thinking of them.