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Tiny step towards 'happy wife, happy life'

ocs's picture

DH asked me if things have been better lately for me. He acknowledged the SD14 schedule has been whacked out and apologized. (I can appreciate she is a teen, and honestly- she is over less now)

I told him it stresses me out, but provided he doesn't expect me to jump through hoops and reschedule myself, he can see her whenever he pleases. If I happen to be around, great. If not- he has daddddddyyyyyy daughter time.

He seemed to 'get it'. Jury is still out...

She has decided to be around Saturday and DH asked if I would come. I said yes, as a gesture, since I have been quite absent lately and have not been around. The inlaws are part of it too, so its family time. For me this also means wine time... Blum 3

Sparklelady's picture

Nice! Good for you. It's nice to hear that you're doing your own thing but still being available for him when it works for you - and that's important for your relationship.

Dizzy's picture

Fingers crossed!

Nothing drives me crazier than a change of skid plans, which suddenly means a change of MY plans...we had a big knockdown drag out last May over that issue...(BM decided to extend her overseas visit to her family, sans SD, for an entire week...meant change of plans AND a heartbroken SD who had expected her mommy would only be gone for two weeks)

ocs's picture

oh no!

I hate when BM's change stuff last minute. Ours tends to always be 'running behind' at drop off times. This has screwed me 2x, so now, if SD is with us, I don't commit us for definite plans afterwards.

Both Dh and I are trying to compromise about this whole thing. I do see him trying and that is what is spurring me to spend some time with them again. I went about a year not even laying eyes on SD.

Sparklelady's picture

I'm at 8 months without speaking with SD17. It's still pretty freaking awesome. Now, at least, I don't want to punch her in the throat anymore, lol, so I'd say that's progress! Smile

I've found a lot of peace just by doing things I want, and only when I want to (regarding skids and DH's family.) The rest falls on my DH, and it's making everything much, much better. Hope this continues to work for you!