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Things a stepmom should never say

skylarksms's picture

Here is a link to an article that I thought was well written.

Mominator's picture

The problem I have is with #12 --- they don't bring up that you and him come first or the entire stepfamily is chaos. We women go to the *choice* crap because our partners are clueless as to putting their foot down with their little spawn and making them realize you are a team and it's your household.

hismineandours's picture

Damn, I really messed up with number 3. Had I known I should have just been wicked from the get go things would've been alot easier!

Goodstepmom's picture

The Article sounds really good, but it's not that easy in real life lol.

It took a long time for our family to be as good as it is now ( to the point where ss call's me mom) And I definitely did some of the things on the list.

Also for the advice in this article you need to have a normal husband who knows how to parent and isn't afraid to be the bad guy to his children, somebody who stands up for his wife and sets boundaries.

That's the reason why I said it SOUNDS nice. Wink

skylarksms's picture

I think a separate book could be written for each - what a stepmom shouldn't say - a BM - a Disney Dad - AND a skid!!!

Except the stepmom book would be the only one that sells...

Butterflykissesandlicks's picture

Luv The Mall

So glad to see you today. Have a safe holiday season if I don't speak with you again.

ciao toots

Butterflykissesandlicks's picture

I do not think that Luv The Mall is even a real human being but some loose Gargoyle actually.

aggravated1's picture

Yes, there are some Billy Goats on a bridge that are not being harrassed appropriately when she is spending time here.

hbell0428's picture

Number 10 to me is kind of pushing it!! That is the one of many problems we have in our house......Actually my DH has a big problem with treating kids equally. If he doesn't flinch when I say it to MY Children then why the HELL is it a big freakin deal when I say it to SD13 - she lives with me, my house, my time. These are just kids why are there so many rules; all these things that we as SP - gives THEM the upper hand!! I think the whole thing is silly