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Thanks for leaving your shit, literally DH

Redsonya's picture

I went downstairs and the toilet that DH was using for the week he was drunk is completely clogged. He knew about it and turned off the water and then left it for me to deal with. That pretty much sums up our marraige. He escapes into a bottle and I clean up his shit.

Redsonya's picture

ummmm yeah, it really does. He mentioned something about it, but really? You leave it for me? Typical of him.

What an f'ing loser. AND since he hasn't EVER supported himself, I am super broke this week. I was going to try to get the snake out and handle it or try to get him to come back and fix it, but I don't need it this week. I'll call the plumber and figure something out.

Actually - I know - I'll hock my wedding band and use that money.

Redsonya's picture

Oh he is out - moved in with his AA sponsor last Saturday. I thought about going over there and telling him to come back and fix it, but not worth it.

Redsonya's picture

Hell no - thats the one bright spot in this situation. When I met him he was fixed. BM was always a nasty hot mess, but my girlfriend and I were just saying this exact thing the other night. My DD4's father (first hubby) was awesome and smart and kind. She takes after him.

Redsonya's picture

Good thinking!! Instead of a plumber bill, I'll buy gloves, a mask, and a nice bottle of wine and handle it myself.

sterlingsilver's picture

my ex was a drunk and it was bad but he was worse once he got sober Sad I almost started drinking when he sobered. lol