Struggling to be a Stepmorher
I'm a new stepmom and find myself constantly struggling with emotions about my situation. My children are 20 and 16 and have a wonderful father whom, even after divorce, I am great friends with. MY fiancée is younger than me and has a three year old. He of course has much more inaction with his ex. MY problem is that #1 his child is brat. My fiancée and the child's mother don't believe in alot of disipline. The child has horrible behavioral issues and is on probation at daycare and adult friends have commented on his poor behavior. Anytime I bring it up, I'm the bad guy. #2 the child's mother is aweful. The child comes dressed in rags and hasn't been bathed. She has a six figure job and is always dressed to the nines. She also has the manners and mouth of a trucker which is being passed to her son. It honestly disgusts me. My fiancée and her text constantly and it drives me crazy. I'm struggling to want to be around the child and find myself upset that the man I love had a child with this horrible person on purpose (fertilty drugs etc).
I'm sorry but I will end the
I'm sorry but I will end the relationship, clearly your fiance is to involved with his ex......
This has so many red flags Hon, think about walking away......
find a man with older children, preferably same age as yours or a bit older, you do not need this in your life,
this is the time of your life you need to enjoy and be happy, not worry about a 3 year old, Hell the 3 year old could've been your grand kid
I agree with monkey skids.
I agree with monkey skids. My youngest child is 13 years older than DH's youngest child; same situation as yours.
I have been in this 8 years now and while it has gotten better, we are still dealing with EOWE visitation, driving kids to jobs etc., instead of focusing on us. I too am older than my DH by several years and this is the time I would like to have for myself. DH will be paying child support until I'm almost 65 years old. I love my DH and would never consider leaving him, but I do long to be able to focus on us exclusively.
Unfortunately, your situation
Unfortunately, your situation is not unique. I know you love this guy, you want to spend the rest of your life with him, and you may even have yourself convinced that it will change once you're married. Ask the veterans around here. It won't.