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Stepsons using drugstores

Slove's picture

Hi I am new to this forum and I am having huge problems in my blended family. I have 1 son 15 and 2 stepsons 12 & 15. I found out about 6 weeks ago that both my stepsons have been using drugs. There biological mom has had big drug issues in the past. I kept the info to myself Because my my partner ( their dad) would hit the roof. Well the info was eating me alive and coming between us. I had also been hearing stories that the boys drug use was escalating. A long story short I told him last night and he is mad at me. The kids are denying it and my partner is calling me a liar. The boys told him that I am mean to them and they never want to see me again. I honestly don’t know what to do or how to feel. 

lieutenant_dad's picture

First, what evidence do you have that they are doing drugs? Pictures, video, or just the word of someone (say, your son)? If you have no proof, or your source might be unreliable, it's going to be hard to convince your partner. Or, you may need to really consider your source and whether they were correct in their accusation.

Second, if you and your partner share a home, and if you very much believe that the kids are using, I would do a search of your home for any product or paraphernalia. There is not a snowball's chance in hell that I'd be okay with it in my house, and if you co-own/rent your place, you have the same right to know if there are illegal substances in your home.

Third, and this is more related to the 12 year old than the 15 year old, IF you have proof and/or evidence that BM is supplying the kids with their drugs OR are facilitating their use, I'd personally call CPS and/or the police. If you go that route, you'll likely destroy your relationship, but I personally couldn't live with knowing a preteen/young teen were doing drugs with their mother's aid. 

IF, however, you only heard that they were doing drugs, you've done all you can do by informing your partner. If he doesn't want to look into it, that's on him. If his kids want to cut you out, then your partner needs to decide how he wants to handle it.

I'd need more details to provide you with more specific advice.

tog redux's picture

I was wondering how your skid was using drugstores ...

I too am wondering what your evidence of them using drugs is? It's not impossible, but 12 is pretty young to get involved with drugs, and usually if they get involved that young, there is a lot of other bad behavior too.

Can you give us more information?