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step son

concerned step mom's picture

I have a 15 year old step son, whom recently contacted his father for the first time! He has been going through alot of emotional problems stemming from not knowing his fathers too his mother telling him his father only cares about his step kids and that she dont want him anymore! When she has talked to my husband she says in front of my stepson how he is no good just like his dad! I have dealt with all forms of abuse while growing up and wish I could do something. The mother does not like me at all, my husband is not coming home until March! I am willing to tell my stepson and his mother he can come live here! I dont have all the answers and monet but i do know he is lashing out for love and understanding!

StepKidto3Momto3's picture

I would tread carefully.

It might be better if your husband could phone/text/skype with him until March and then have him come for a visit.

concerned step mom's picture

I just dont know what to do! The mother told us he tried to kill him self and she cant take him anymore!

StepKidto3Momto3's picture

If you are seriously considering this, I would insist that both his mother and him sign forms giving you full access to his pysch records. And that you actually meet with his therapist and read his history before you committ.

If you have other children in your home, I think you need to consider their safety.

concerned step mom's picture

I have a son who did the same things and we talked about everything that was going on in his life, I raised my son alone and vowed that he would have a better life than i did! We have been in counseling for years, even though my son got caught up in his own troubles he Thanks me daily on how i was always there for him amd never gave up!