Step kids, no bio kids. Bm disregards how i feel.
Im with a girl with 3 little monsters. She told me her tubes tied only after dating a long while, now im trapped and she I am to fully accept and put up with her terrible kids and what about me? Nobody cares I want a kid its all about her brats which.i.loathe. now she has practically with the Sloppy kids. Im sorry ons.and extra perids its this phone pad, im irrate. She is a bitch I.hate her the end, fml.
Trapped, she lives in my
Trapped, she lives in my house, kids picked up In front of my house. I own a business she has keys and access too. I could leave but it would mean movin out of MY house and she is the type just like last time I tried kickin her out she drug her heels got a lawyer, went and told my parents very private things you t dont tell them, myuade my life hell. I will have to pack up animals which is alot and relocate she is such a crazy stalker type, she will do anything to just wreck my life. I hate her. Leaving will take planning and moneey.
I may put my lovely house on
I may put my lovely house on market and move outta state. I live in very small town, she gives me no peace and I just wanna be free of her and those dam kids.
^^^DO IT^^^
^^^DO IT^^^
You should contact an
You should contact an attorney and have them go over your options.
You are not trapped.
Get an RO while she's out
Get an RO while she's out with the kids and change all the locks. You have no responsibility to her or her brats if women can do it to men all the time so can you. Be thankful you don't have kids with her.