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SS's Upcoming Birthday

NewBeginning's picture

SS turns 18 very soon..his crackwhore mother is throwing him "SUPPOSEDLY" a 2 day party..notice the "SUPPOSEDLY" in loud letters and emphasized.

She is having a bash for him and is more than likely paying for it from her selling her prescribed narcotics and the pot that she grows. Or maybe it's from the disability check she receives from the state where she lies about still being hurt from an accident that took place a long time ago...??

Regardless how...he is asking DH and I what WE are going to do for him. What kind of bash we are throwing.

In my mind...NONE.

Sorry...he's a young man now. A MAN. It's not my fault he still has 2 years of high school left due to his mother holding him back 2 years and is as dumb as a bucket of empty air.

DH and I have 5 kids between us. We give each kid a set amount of money and that's our gift to them to spend it. We have no kids under 18 anymore. My daughter's birthday was 2 weeks ago and she got money from us like usual. No party - no 2 day bash - just a nice day with family and dinner. She then went out with her boyfriend.

SS was at our cookout yesterday asking what we are going to get him for his birthday and said he had a massive list. I told him I didn't care to see a list - his birthday was already taken care of.

He then asked his dad if he was still going to throw the party for him he promised - the day before his huge bash at his mother's house. DH just looked at him like he was stupid and I never said a word.

This almost grown man was going around to all our neighbors last night telling them his birthday was coming up and asking what they were going to get him. How embarrassing...and childish.

If DH has any plans to throw his grown son a birthday party, he can have at it. I have no intention of throwing anything for him. Especially acting so childish with our friends. DH has never mentioned a word to me about throwing a party...especially since he knows my daughter's birthday has just passed and no party was planned for her.

Besides....crackwhore is his mother. She's throwing him a party...he should be thankful he's getting one. How ungrateful.

NewBeginning's picture

Thanks naturalmom! SS is clearly spoiled and feels he's very entitled, that's for damn sure.

His mother is totally worthless in the worst sense so we'll see if she has this 2 day bash for him. If she does, great for him. And again if she does, great for me and my DH because we don't have to!!! }:)

I see him as a huge lazy slob that tells his dad what he wants to hear. He acts like such a gentleman and yet is such a huge fake. He feels he shouldn't have to do his own laundry and doesn't even feel he should wash a fork when it's dirtied by his own hands.

One time...oh my God...I HAVE to tell this... }:)

One time, he fried hamburger in the skillet...cast iron. That skillet had 2 inches of stuck on grease when he was done..he set it out on the stove to harden and never did anything with it. DH and I got home, found it and DH went off about it. SS was out in the back with his buddies...DH and I had brought a group of friends home with us as well. DH blasted SS for the skillet as to which SS replied..."Well if you had washed it right when I was done with it, you wouldn't have to worry about scrubbing it right now would ya?" No one found that funny in our group. Of course SS thought he was a riot...DH saw the looks our friends gave him...mainly because SS is almost 18 and about 6'2"...a GROWN ASS man...and my DH looked like someone had kicked him. I never said one word...just let our friends see what SS is like and how DH bows to it.

All DH could do was moan and groan about to which I reminded him he created that monster. And why pray tell did I do that? Because DH went in...AND CLEANED THE FREAKING SKILLET! I right or not?