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sson lies about washing his hands...

SBMom's picture

Okay... I'm starting think I need to let this go. However, I never let my own bkids go without washing their hands due to the spread of germs. Plus, they would have been in trouble for lying to me! My sson (12) uses the bathroom next to my room and doesn't wash his hands. I confronted him and he promises he did and starts to cry. So, I let it go. We live in a one hundred year old house and when the water runs from the sink, everyone can hear it! My husband explained this to him before and he was doing pretty good for a few months, and now he is not washing and lies about it again. I told my husband to deal with it, but he doesn't push the subject. The child is very emotional and cries at the drop of a hat. If I ask him about his homework, he start to cry. So, I try to get my husband to address issues more because sson takes it better coming from him. Am I being too picky about the hand washing!! I feel like I'm the strict parent and my husband is the weak one! It's very frustrating.

DeeDeeTX's picture

I couldn't have someone in my house take a dump, not wash, and just ignore it. That's a bunch of germs he's just spreading all over the house.

I do this with my toddlers, but I have no idea why it wouldn't work with a big kid too. I bought a strong scented soap, and when they said they washed, I asked to smell their hands. And I would tell them, "nope, your hands don't smell like soap! Go back and wash up again!"

That way I don't directly call them liars, so it makes them less upset. I dunno if it would work for SS, but it might be worth a shot.

bi's picture

this is not something you should let go, especially with other kids in the house. i had the same issue with sd19 when she was living here, and she was 16! never washed her hands after using the toilet, which means not even if she changed a tampon. :sick: bs was less than a year old and i have a daughter, too. she would be in the living room and i could still hear the toilet flushing. i would ask her if she washed her hands, knowing she hadn't. she would lie and say yes. so i told her to let me smell them. then she would say "NO!" and go wash them. this was every day. i told her why she needed to wash them. (what 16 year old doesn't already know that?). didn't matter. she continued to not wash. one day she asked me why i don't just lick her hands clean. stupid bitch, and she wondered why i couldn't stand her, as if her shitty attitude was cute and funny.

the best part is that she was planning to go to school to be a nurse! can you imagine? a nurse who doesn't wash her hands! :O i swear she refused to wash just to piss me off.

Sootica's picture

Aah yes!I have the same problem with ss 10....also extends to wiping,flushing and whenever he is staying overnight the production which goes into getting him to brush his teeth would put any broadway show to shame. I suspect that your ss like mine is not encouraged to maintain basic cleanliness habits when he is at with golden uterus a.k.a BM and you know the ole' saying "the apple never falls far from the apple tree"! Wink

sterlingsilver's picture

I LOVE the hand sanitizer squirt idea!! LOVE IT! My ss15 does not wash, barely flushes and to make matters almost unbearable he gets sh*t on his fingers and wipes them on the walls or shower curtain or carpet where he's sitting playing xbox. He then proceeds to use the computer, xbox controllers that everyone else uses. YUUUUUKKKKK.
Instead of stepmonster I am going to become the squirtmonster!! Smile Made my day!

GizmoBarnOwl's picture

LOL what is funny about this story is that while I was reading this, my daughter (8) was just in the bathroom next to my room She just came in after washing her hands and put a cold wet hand on my forehead to make me laugh!! But while she is usually good, I have had to remind her to wash her hands on occation. Just one of those things. A 12 yr old should know better though. ...And why is a 12 yr old still having toddler crying fits??? I think he may have a few issues to deal with besides hygiene!!

planningMyEscape's picture

I'm pretty sure that my steps have never washed their hands. I already fight to get them to shower and brush their teeth and put on clean clothes once in a while.
