ss from ****
Let me tell yall when it begun. Me and my dh have been married going on 6 years. These years have been ****! My dh will allow
his son to do anything and is able to disrespect me. The ss will
tell me to get my shit and move out. He steals his daddy's truck
and will lie about it to his father. This causes a fight between
his father and me. My ss is 22yrs old now. He is currently on probation for 7 years and charged with 9 felonies.(For stealing
4 wheelers in two counties. My ss loves young girls at the age of
12 to 16yrs old. (Big problem) He sold a 4 wheeler and hid in the woods at our house and went to a young girls house and took her to another county (14 years old) and the father of the girl did not press charges because he knew my dh. These problems are the tip of the iceburg. I finally told my ss he had to leave or the law would remove him after he stood up in my face and call me names. He is currentley living with bm that just got out of prison for thief. When he comes to our home to visit my dh acts as if he hung the moon. Gives him money cause he has lost 3 jobs in the past year for attendance issues. My dh will derespect me when my ss is around. Any advice on a ss from ****.
I hate to walk away, we
I hate to walk away, we purchased land and home together and I have a lot here. This is my 2nd marriage and I just hate the thoughts of starting over.
Yes, my husband says he just
Yes, my husband says he just trys to make everyone happy.
EVERYONE? What about you?
EVERYONE? What about you? You shouldn't be treated this way and you definitely shouldn't stay just because you bought a house. The whole situation is ridiculous. The son is a mess, doesn't your DH see that?
My dh is a selfish person
My dh is a selfish person uless it comes to his child. I think he believes that his way is the only way.
Yes, but still defends his
Yes, but still defends his son. The old saying blood is thicker
water. Do you think my dh loves me if he reacts like this?
His son is 22, its not like
His son is 22, its not like he is 12. I can understand that he would want to be in denial with a son that acts like that, but damn, you can't be treated like that. Your DH shouldn't be disrespecting you at all. I can't say if your husband loves you or not, you should know that he loves you. You shouldn't even have to question whether he loves you or not. How do you really feel? You can't be happy.
That's it I do not know if
That's it I do not know if he does or not. He drinks everyday and takes pain pills as well. He has been off work now for 2 years with a back injury. He is still able to hunt, fish, and bog but unable to do anything around the house. He got to where he forgets alot and can not remember one day to the next.
I don't know you or your
I don't know you or your husband personally, but sounds to me like there are more problems than just the ss. Personally I think you should get out of there.
Pain pills will turn a
Pain pills will turn a person into just plain old mean. My DH was given them by a doc for a bad knee...they just kept giving him more and more. He finally got up the nerve to do an outpatient program to get off of them (he was also a recovering alcoholic thankfully that wasn't an issue).
I would never, ever, ever live with an addict again. It doesn't get better, only worse.
Do you see a change coming?
Do you see a change coming? You've already read the folks above and now you know that there is no magic pill to be found here.
Both of these guys have no respect for you and never will. You're just someone to clean the house, cook the meals and sex.
If you'll stay in this life to avoid "starting over" that's your option but it sounds to me like buying a house half the size and keeping one car while these two continue their loser life is a better option. It's not starting over its moving on with your life. Write this portion of it off as a mistake and do it without looking back.
Have some pride girl.
In my first marriage I never
In my first marriage I never seen it coming. My world was snatched out from under me in seconds. My first divorce I lost everything. I have ready tried to make this marriage work.I know the end is near in the months ahead.My dh thinks he will receive a large settlement and he will never have to work again since he has worked 15 years of his life. I still work up to 50 hours a week and pay my own bills. Thanks everyone for the advice and ears.
One of you has to go!! I
One of you has to go!! I think DH needs to know this, let his response help you decide!!!
Your ss is an adult, I would
Your ss is an adult, I would tell my dh, you want to see your son, see him out of our home. He insults and berates me, you do it to get on his good side. so hang out of this home. I will phone the police if he ever sets foot in this household. THis is how i feel. Deal with it.