SO pissed off right now
We found out recently that the youngest two skids were skipping homework, again, and one was in danger of failing English. BM did nothing. We can see all the grades and when homework is done, what test grades are, etc. online. BF was away on a business conference last week and had other meetings scheduled for early this week so he asked BM to call the teacher as the skid was making up nonsense about his grades. He told us they don't grade the homework, he handed in stuff it says he didn't, etc. but got annoyed and hung up on his father when Dad said he'd just call the teacher.
It's Wednesday and BF finally called the school today because BM didn't. He hasn't heard yet, but based on what we see there's no way he can pass this semester.
Oldest skid calls his Dad today to say he's embarrassed by the front of the house being a mess and would like to rake, but nobody will help and hold the bag. BF asks youngest skid to hold the bag. Youngest skid hangs up on Dad... again. So BF calls back and gets BM's unemployed, living off the child support, boyfriend on the phone and asks if he could hold the bag so oldest skid can rake up the leave and such. The boyfriend hangs up on him!
BF calls me to remind me he's going to be home late tonight due to a meeting and tells me all this. I was freaking furious. BM's boyfriend is living there for two years, collects food stamps illegally, and is freaking refusing to hold the garbage bag and hangs up like the 13 year old did? I told my BF to call back and tell the lowlife piece of crap to hold the bag or get ready to bend over in the prison showers for welfare fraud because I'll report his lowlife, child support and welfare stealing ass. Unfortunately my BF doesn't have the gift for comebacks and confrontation in this kind of situation that I do so he's not quite ready to do that. I don't want to do it because I've already called his ass on the carpet and threatened to call the police on him if I hear he manhandles one of the skids ever again. I don't want them to see me as the enforcer every time, but they were grateful that I intervened with the manhandling. This isn't the same kind of situation.
I feel bad for the oldest skid because he's realized that he lives in a pigpen inside and out. His mother and her boyfriend rarely shower and he is too embarrassed by that and the dirt in the house to invite any friends over. Child welfare has been there before but she plays the pity-me card and cleans up for the follow up visit then lets everything go back to hell.
I feel a little less stressed now that I've vented this. Thank you all for listening.
If they oldest is
If they oldest is embarrassed, he is old enough to tell a judge these things and possibly get out of there if that is an option.
I have no problem with an skids that wants to better themselves. My SD wants to finish school and make something of herself (well as of this year she does). BM makes fun of her for that SMH.
We've talked to him about
We've talked to him about that and while he can come live with us, but we're not in the same school district. He is in junior year of high school and doesn't want to transfer so he's trying to tough it out for another year until he goes to college and can live here on breaks. He has had friends over our house a few times, but as we're outside the school district it's hard for him to have people over here after school.
If bm lives in a pig pen,
If bm lives in a pig pen, your bf might want to consider calling CPS/asking for a welfare check at BMs. You should absolutely report the bf for welfare fraud.
"BF was away on a business conference last week and had other meetings scheduled for early this week so he asked BM to call the teacher as the skid was making up nonsense about his grades. "
Bm sounds like a loser. She's dating one. Birds of a feather flock together. I know your bf was busy but he really does need to handle this on his own. Hopefully he has the teacher's email address so he can email them and have what they say in writing.
BM wasn't home, she was not
BM wasn't home, she was not reachable until nearly 10pm last night. The oldest skid called his father for help, it was the only parent he could reach. In light that there was no parent around, I don't think it was unreasonable for BF to ask if someone could help the kid.
And there is neglect and the school has called her out on it a few times now and child welfare has made a few visits, but somehow she manages to cry and make enough excuses and promises to be better to get away with it. BF is talking to his lawyer about getting a court order to have the youngest skid evaluated as he's been in special ed for three years now (and only because she had no choice left) and has never been diagnosed. BM refuses to consent to it and has moved him from school to school to homeschooling, back to school, finally into special ed to avoid it. He transferred schools 6 times in 5 years, including one year of homeschooling by the time he was in 5th grade because she said "I refused to let them label him." Any time BF has tried, she poisons the kid against the doctors. Every one of them has told BF that she needs serious help. I'm hoping that maybe if she pulls her usual crazy crap with a court ordered evaluation, the court will see what is going on and BF will have a little more traction to get the skids into a better living situation.
I did call today to see if I was reading the information on food stamps right. I am, he had to have lied to get them because she gets more in child support alone each year than I make at my FT job, plus her part time jobs and divorce settlement, so there's no way they'd have qualified if he listed her and the kids as part of the household. I held off because she'll know it was us that called and I want to be sure that BF is ready to accept the backlash PASing that will come from it. I am personally very uncomfortable with welfare fraud and the skids seeing it, but I don't want the kids put in the middle of it either. She won't kick him out, it was her idea that he get them to "contribute to the house." It's a no-win situation.