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So hard not to tell BD to tell SD to kiss her A**!!

hbell0428's picture

Last night SD14 was whinning for daddy to take her to the corner store for something to eat.....boohoo. He actually said no; she stormed off. Meanwhile my BD12 needed picked up and asked if she could go to the same store; I said no problem. SD never asked me??Well of course when DH found out he offered me to SD and her friend - I left w/ them and picked up BD and went to store. I went in and paid for MY BD food and went to sit in car while they waited.

I then get txts from BD saying that SD is giving her nasty looks, screaming at BD that no one even likes her and when BD starts to talk; SD goes (she always does this) "okay, goodbye; nobody cares!"

BD said she was ready to cry!!

OMG SD makes me want to scream; I told BD to stuck up for herself but she is scared of her. and of course all DH says is I know her attitude is nasty.......really!!

And I didn't even get a thank you from SD!!