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Skid/1.50 GPA/Driving/Summer School

windee's picture

Just curious .........SKID brought home report card 1.50 GPA b/c SKID just didn't feel like doing the work which now SKID has to go to summer school for 2 months $167.00 a semester! And has to make up a class next year, drove vehicle into mud/pond and got it stuck (AFTER g/ma said NO & SKID said to cousin under breath "I don't have to listen to her"[mother-In law heard skid]) called someone to help get vehicle out which in turn broke the aftermarket special bumper that DH put on the vehicle. Then SKID drive vehicle into mud again to see if vehicle would get stuck (it did). Snotty attitude to DH. Caught in lies...... :jawdrop: so tired!!! Seriously!! There's more but way to
Much to mention. To cut to the chase SKID has had absolutely NOTHING happen to SKID for any of this! NOTHING!! I think his keys should be taken away except to drive to and from school AND he needs to mow and weed eat our lawn and others to pay for summer school. DH doesn't agree in the slightest. DH asked me to pay SKID 20.00 to mow the back yard ( I said and weed eat he said I just told him to mow, I said he needs to weed eat SKID DIDNT....of course!) I didn't want to pay SKID BUT I AM SO SICK OF BEING THE ONLY ONE THAT THINK SKID SHOULD BE DISCIPLINED! Am I right or wrong in this? Please let me know what you think everybody. Just tired of this! Skid is fixing to turn 17 YEARS OLD! Seriously!!

twoviewpoints's picture

You're actually nicer than I. There would be much more than mowing and weed whacking. There's be no driving to school and back (bike? bus? walk? crawl?)

There would be no vehicle for months and never again at all unless he marches his ass over and begs forgiveness for being an asshole to his grandma. And the paying the kid $20 to mow? Bwhahahahahaha. you're kidding , right?

no, you're definitely not wrong here. The little snot needs a swift kick towards being almost an adult. Your husband's way, isn't it. This kid will be living in your basement at 30.

windee's picture

That's what I am worried about! I don't think that SKID should be driving or that we should be paying SKID to do anything. And I am trying to figure out if I should say something to my DH about what SKID said or if I should tell my Mother- in-Law to tell DH. DH just believes everything SKID says & thinks SKID is being treated unfairly. I have try to keep my mouth shut and not say anything about the severely messy and smelly room and the fact that SKID does absolutely nothing in our house. And the fact that SKID can go and do all kinds of activities without any consequences for SKIDS actions, but I am just so tired of SKID not being held accountable for ANYTHING.

windee's picture

I completely agree with all of you! The only problem is that DH let's skid do what ever skid wants to do with no consequences! I feel like I have no say so in my own home.

ChiefGrownup's picture

Tell your dh right now today that you won't live with 2 grown men. SS must have a plan to launch when he's 18 and dh must stick to it.

I started saying something similar to my dh about sd when she was 13/14 and I could see the writing on the wall. Dh has agreed to it and it is the only thing sometimes that motivates him to look into the future and realize he has to teach her some things now or she will flail piteously at 18 with no recourse to our house. I think a nice gradated launch is actually preferable but that's only for kids who aren't worthless destructo bots at the age of 17.

This kid is ridiculous and you need to find your voice. One day soon he will be bigger and meaner than everyone and you will be physically afraid of him because he'll be legal and really can do whatever he wants. It is not too late to give your dh a wakeup call and start making plans for yourself.

Tell him if you're going to pay for the lawn you want it done properly and you bring in a professional crew. Let dh figure out some way to get junior to "pay him back" for summer school. Show dh you can act independently and you are not the house drudge.

ChiefGrownup's picture

BTW, the title of your post made me calculate SD15's GPA since no one else here will. She's got a .83! Hahahaha! Makes 1.5 look like a Rhodes Scholar! That girl, oh, my.

windee's picture

Cheifgrownup, I do need to find my voice. I just know that my DH will sit there staring at me saying nothing in response and when I'm finished he will not say anything or if he does it will be "I'll talk to him". Sorry to always have negative comeback but I know what he will say already.

windee's picture

DH won't be home for about another week and a half. I want to have a talk when he gets home.