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Out of the two skids and one kid, my DS in high school had the lowest GPA.Not bad, but not stellar.He was commenting on is grades thus far with online college and said he's at risk already of beating OSS this semester and he beat OSS last semester by A LOT (his words and emphasis). 

OSS said this summer that he was worried about this semester if it was all online, that he needs to be in class to be able to learn. Remember, this is also the kid who apparently has a heavy weed habit. (Hm. I wonder why he's struggling in school.)

Now, DH never said anything about OSSs grades to me, but I didn't think anything of it. I haven't paid attention and DH regularly hides what's going on if it's not wonderful news. Sooo, I assumed he knew. 

In a random conversation about online classes and college where we were saying things about DS and OSS (nothing big or important), I happened to make a statement about wondering if DS will be able to beat OSS by the large margin he beat him last semester. The look of shock on DHs face told me he had no idea. Then he said he had no idea. Oops.