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Self entitled BM?

MareBear's picture

I am new to the forums, although I have been reading them for a few weeks already.  Coles notes of my background: married for 28 years, now separated for almost 4 years.  DS28, DS26 and DD21.  Living with SO for 2 years, and now have SS23 (SO has not lived with or had custody access since child was 5), SS16 and SD13.  All of our kids get along great.  My kids are all independent, Skids are with us about 50% of the time.  BM is self entitled, controlling, strict and often comes across as a man hater.  The breakdown of SO's marriage was nasty, and he gave up way more than he should, just to have 50/50 access to the kids.  I have, from the start, tried to be respectful of the BM, her role, and the Skids.  At first, BM was Leary of me, as the Skids took to me right away.  SO had to tell BM that I would never attempt to replace her.  I do attend all school activities,  sports and whatnot.  However, I do not feel it is my place to attend such things as counseling sessions, family meals, or parent/teacher interviews, etc.  I do not give Skids chores, as I feel that is SO's place as a parent to dole out chores.

Recently, BM sent SO a text, upset because his father was being rude and disrespectful to her.  There had been a chance meeting with the BM, SS16 and SO's father.  The father spoke to SS16, but not to BM, and now BM is upset.  The breakdown of the marriage included alot of negative communication between BM and SO's parents.  Father has never forgiven her, and refuses to speak to BM until she issues an apology.  BM feels time has passed, and all should be forgotten.  Funny thing is though.....whenever we are at children's activities, I always say hello to BM, but get ignored.  BM will speak to SO, usually about plans or little anecdotes regarding the kids.  I am not included in those conversations, and usually see the BM's back turned to me (woohoo).  I pointed out to SO that she is upset for not being recognized by the father, yet she does the exact same thing to me on a weekly basis.  SO wont inform her of this fact, and actually appeased her by saying he would "talk" to his father.  

So, my question to others is this: should I be upset that SO wont talk to her about her behaviour towards me, especially since she is demanding recognition from the father??   I dont want SO or the Skids to suffer her wrath because of this, because I know she will suddenly find excuses as to why the Skids cant spend more days with us.

tog redux's picture

Be grateful that BM ignores you. Just don't put yourself in a position to have it happen - don't stand with SO if they are talking, don't say anything to her. A BM that ignores is much better than a BM that targets you, trust me.

I think I've said 5 words to BM in 9 years. Just let SO handle her and don't take it personally. And for god's sake, don't have SO say anything to her about it.

Notup4it's picture

I agree!! It is MUCH better to have a BM who is ignoring you than targeting you!  It also is better to just sort of “float” through it than get yourself overly involved in it.  

You are able to attend events without a major blowup and you are allowed around the kids and they all get along.... so I would say from the sounds of it (especially after a nasty divorce!) that you guys have it pretty good. 

Let him deal with her crazy and don’t stress yourself— much easier on you, and you will be much happier taking that path.

As far as grandpa.... he said he would talk to him, and he can if he wants but the conversation should be that grandpa avoids “meetings” with her and just avoid situations where he is face to face with her altogether (which clearly would be the easiest).  Me and my ex are both close with each other’s parents but now that the kids are teens I hardly see them and he hardly sees mine just by chance- so it shouldn’t be very hard to just keep them seperate. 

I think all in all though you guys have it pretty good from the sounds of it.  After nasty divorces things can be MUCH worse.  Also, it is good that she negotiated..... yes she *might* have possibly gotten more than she would have otherwise.  But there is the possibility too that she could have gotten all that anyways, plus alienated the kids, PLUS left your DH with a GIANT lawyer bill trying to fight to see his kids!! 

notasm3's picture

He should have told BM that he is not his father’s keeper.  SO’s father doesn’t have to talk to any ahole he doesn’t want to talk to.