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SD5 stole a child's doll from school and lied about it.....

bananashake's picture

I really REALLY hope this isn't a precursor to SD's habits. If so then thank freaking god I have kept my distance!

I see a doll in SD5's backpack and ask where she got it. She tells me "Daddy bought it for me at Toys R Us!". Ok, cool.

That evening her father gets a call from the school asking if he could bring the doll back as soon as possible. That it belonged to a child that won't go to sleep without it, and the mom was there with the child and the child was crying.

So her father grabs SD5 and marches her to the school to Return said doll and apologize to the girl and her mom. SD5 smirks and says 'I'm sorry.' and goes on her merry way.

On the way home she pouted and hung her head, I asked her why and she says 'Because I really wanted that doll'


So she isn't allowed TV, treats or to go outside the rest of the week. Though I'm positive her dad will cave in and let her do whatever. Funny thing is, she doesn't even seem to care. My own mom would have handed me a black and blue arse and I would be so embarrassed.

Her dad and grandma believe she still doesn't know any better. Agreed.....but it seems she doesn't see the consequence of what she has done.

Is this normal behavior? Like has this happened? This girl lies through her teeth constantly to avoid getting in trouble.

Man am I glad I kept my distance.

Ommy's picture

^^^^^^ My 5 year old SD knows better then to steal. The reason is because she has had consequences for her actions sense she was born. Kids will learn, and behave when they are held accountable for their actions and when they are shown how to act properly.

Orange County Ca's picture

At five its normal but Dad need to give consequences and stick to them, that's where the problem lies. No pun intended.

Go to and find a book on parenting and give it to him.

imjustthemaid's picture

Ok so my daughter was 8 yrs old and she came home from school one day with this white owl stuffed animal. I asked her where she got it and she said she won it in a game at school. I didn't think too much about it.

Next day she goes to school and I get a phone call from the school guidance counselor telling me that she stole it from another girl. I was MORTIFIED!!!

DD is a good kid, she really is. I have no idea what possessed her to do this. They said when they asked her about it she broke down crying, apologized and gave it back.

I even called the mother of the child and apologized and we ended up becoming good friends!! The mother told me her own daughter stole the teachers car keys last year and brought them home. The teacher was stuck at the school!!

So hopefully it was just a one time thing and she learns her lesson. I punished DD for it and to my knowledge has never done anything like it again. I hope not!!

imjustthemaid's picture

Yes this describes SD15!! I know I kinda missed the point :? It reminded me of the stolen white owl!!

SD15 has no remorse to anything that she does. She is so mean. She used to hack into other kids webkinz accounts and steal their stuff!!