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SD mini wife at BMs?

steplife's picture

SD7 always talks about how she sleeps in her mom's bed at her house. This means that SD is also sleeping in bed with SF. SD says she always sleeps in the middle, but she moves so much that SF sleeps on the couch sometimes. BM leaves for work early so SD says sometimes she wakes up and only SF is there. BM also showers still with SD sometimes.

Why the F would BM think it's ok for SD to sleep in bed with her husband?

SF seems like a balless loser to allow being kicked out of his bed! SD laughs about how she and BM kick him out of the room so they can have "sleepovers". She says she hates her SF and wants her mom to break up with him.

DH and I think all this is ridiculous but don't think there is anything we can do about it! DH said to SD "Are you married to your mom, no? Then stay out of her and SF bed!" I'm sure things won't change, but we are concerned about this. SD is like a mini wife to her mom!

ChiefGrownup's picture

Ick. Glad dad gave her his positive disapproval.

But since mom is so insistent on doing it, there probably is not much Dad can do about it. It's mom's house and mom is not complaining.

At least kid knows dad thinks it's wrong.

Calypso1977's picture


i get the mom-daughter thing because my dumbass SD13 always bed shared with her mother and still does on occasion. i dont agree with it, but remember, tehse BM's want to keep their daughter babies forever so that they can cling.

the issue here is the SF. not approrpriate nor is BM showering with a 7 year old.

SugarSpice's picture

that is nothing short of sick. think about a daughter well over twenty sitting on a couch with her legs over her fathers lap while he massages her feet.

mini wives dont even have to be girls or even of the opposite sex. my brother has an adult son. the son even makes decisions on the clothes his father wears.

steplife's picture

It's so creepy! I just don't know why BM encourages it so hard! I never slept with my mom unless it was a rare occasion like a random nightmare...maybe once a year.

DH asked his lawyer who basically said if BM chooses to co-sleep it's a lifestyle choice in her home! WTF?!

DH is trying to discourage SD from participating, but I'm doubtful it will do much with BM telling SD it's fine and fun on the other side!!! And calling it a "family sleepover".

I hope SF isn't a creep, but BM seems fine with setting SD up to be in a possible bad position. I just don't understand as a mother how you could do this with your daughter. She met SF when SD was 4.

The only time SD has ever slept with us is in a tent camping. On the side on her own mattress!

Calypso1977's picture

when my fiance took vacations with SD and BM, he was always relegated to the couch so that SD and BM could share the bed.

just one of a zillion reasons that marriage didnt work out.

GoodBye's picture

SD has never been allowed to crawl in bed with us, and I started dating DH when she was 2. I think it's really weird to have someone else's kid in my bed. If SF doesn't feel that this is weird, I'd say there's definitely something wrong with him!