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SD, how does BM know my cooking is bad?

theoutsider's picture

SD 8 told me this morning that BM said to just her, that my cooking is the reason why we are all turning into fatties... All except SD8, she is skinny like mommy...

1.) none of us are fat. SD13 Is going through puberty and actually has boobs, butt, and hips which she never had before, SS10 is actually starting signs of puberty as well,.... He really is eating like a horse but he has also shot up 13 inches in the last year... Her ex, my fiance is working manual labor and has bulked up muscle like crazy since their divorce (all muscle and very strong), and I am normal, just lost a few extra lbs and went a isn't size smaller!

2.) BM has uncontrolled diabetes and for a lack of better terminology "pisses out all her sugar" and can't gain weight (she is even losing body parts because of this)

3.) BM always makes the kids clean their plates, even when they have already eaten.

4.) This is an endless list of things that BM has said or done to humiliate her kids.

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

Try not to let petty garbage like that bother you. BM is obviously insecure because she feels the need to humiliate her kids via your cooking. How old is she? 12?

SMof2Girls's picture

This type of crap is so annoying. There is NO REASON an 8yo should be worried about things like this. They need to be taught about healthy eating habits and choices; not loaded with body image issues and self-esteem problems.

Last summer, my SD6 went through this "phase" of constantly telling us she was getting fat. To the point that one night at dinner, she refused to eat anything. She said, "I'm trying to be skinny and lose weight like mommy". SMDH.

misSTEP's picture

Well, it's EASY to lose weight when you are having body parts lopped off because you aren't taking care of yourself! I have T1 Diabetes and I am terrified of not having my feet when I get old.

theoutsider's picture

Exactly,... She lost her uterus when she was still with FDH, (diabetes related FDH said)
And she was all in a hissy a year ago,... She can't wear contacts any more because her eye sight is so bad.
And a few months ago she had the kids worked about her really bad when she had to be hospitalized. She was a paramedic and kept going into diabetic mini comas while on the clock.... Extremely dangerous! (she has since lost her medic license and works in the office of the company, so rest easy knowing she won't be driving around your loved ones or taking care of them in an emergency anymore)
But now she is talking about losing her pinky toes and ovaries....
And beyond everything else, that alone freaks out the kids,....

theoutsider's picture

I have no idea what her diet is like, but I know she drinks a lot of alcohol... We see her car at the bar a lot, and FDH has a friend that works at the liquor store down the road where she lives and he says she is regular there... So I'm sure all she does is peak and drop.

She was born with diabetes, has been over weight, but not extreme, some of the maternity pants she left behind were 14's and that was the biggest she ever got on a 5' 10" frame,....
She is also on a pump, so it should be easier for her to control it, not harder,... She just doesn't care...