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SD decade long crusade has come to fruition

sosfromastepmom's picture

10 years... It's been 10 years since I met SD who was 16 at the time. From day one she wanted me gone and I was foolish enough to stay. I shoud have left when the problems first arosed but I loved DH and after he grew a pair  and laid down the law with SD, I  was dumb enough to think things would change. NOPE!

Lesson learned, If you say "no" to her, she'll find another way to get what she wants.SS has always been the golden child. Everyone knows SS geniuely loves DH. He's his dad pride and joy. DH stood up to SD but could never with SS. All SS wanted to have relationship with both DH and SD but because of me that wasn't possible.

 She has worked her magic over DH, apparently I was the problem. I never opened myself up to her, hated her from the moment I saw her. it was my "mission" to try and take her dad away from her. I'm the manipulative one

I guess DH forgot how she treated me over the years. When I was pregnant, I was in a pretty bad car crash and had a miscarriage; she was thrilled. The lies she told about me. She even tried to stop our wedding. I banned her from our home because of all of this but I never stopped DH from seeing his daughter. He can have whatever realationship he wants with her without including me. She's getting married in June and I wasn't invited. Initally DH wasn't going to attending without me (I encouraged him to do) but SS came and with a few tears from him, he managed to change his mind (making me look like the bad guy). 

Well she's started coming to visit the house without my knowledge. My boundaries weren't being respected. DH was telling me that I was being childish and need to get over the past. Apparently I'm sitring up problems. DH had enough....of me. Guess I was the root of all of the problems. I was trying to drive a wedge between him and SD. Because SD is a doctor and getting married, she can do no wrong. He's seen the "light". 

Our marriage is over.

Congrats SD; you've won


sosfromastepmom's picture

I plan to. Looking back, I wished I had left before. I've wasted 10 years of my life being in this mess

catswantsweets's picture

I trust her fiancé's family all love her to bits and are happy to welcome her into their home? I trust she meets their approval? I trust you didn't put a gun to your husband's head and force him to marry you? She didn't have to like you. Of course it would have been great if she had. God help her future husband. Is she going to pick his friends for him?  You gave it your best shot. It sounds like you husband didn't put you first and without that there I'd no raltionship worth having. When your kids are young, when they ARE kids then OK course they have to be considered more. But when they are adults they ought to behave like adults and allow other adults to make their own choices. Best of luck. Love yourself first. 

Siemprematahari's picture

SD didn't "win" this is simply a blessing in disguise for you. Do not look at all the bullsh!t of the past but all the happiness and peace of mind that you will have in the future. Your H violated your marriage by inviting her over to your house without your knowledge and not placing you 1st.  She did you a favor.....

now on to new beginnings and opportunities.

STaround's picture

He should not have invited his DD at  your joint house without your knowledge, but it is his house too (I assume).   So a counselor can help come up with ground rules.   If all he is doing is seeing her in the joint house, i would not give up a 10 year marriage over that, but that is just me.  

marblefawn's picture

I'm sorry to read it's over, but I know you'll find relief now!

Just remember this: you have a chance to move on to something better. He's stuck with those selfish creatures he created. And they will crush his next relationship and the one after that. You will be better off than he.

Head up, girl! Your life is about to get interesting...and better!