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Scheduling mediation

SMof2Girls's picture

Court ordered 2 2hr sessions of mediation and said it had to be scheduled within 5 days of the order.

DH called the next day and scheduled both days.

BM called today (14 days later) and gave them new dates. One of the dates does not work for DH. So he called them back.

They are saying that she's provided her availability and prefers to wait to do mediation until after their court scheduling meeting, so he needs to pick one of her 3 alternate dates (all the same week as the first date she picked and the same week of the court date - DH just can't take off that much time from work in one week).

DH is pissed .. but is this normal? I'm assuming they're just trying to get it scheduled and to avoid any back and forth, but DH feels like they're taking a strong stance on BM's side. He also thinks it's BS that he called within the timeframe allotted and she's allowed to call late and change it without any discussion. I just don't know if it's really that serious ..

SMof2Girls's picture

He put a call into his attorney, but hasn't heard back yet. I'm not sure what they can really do, ya know?

I mean, if BM refused to accept his days, and he refuses to accept hers, they're both in contempt for not following the court order to complete mediation by the due date assigned.

This is typical BM game play .. which is exactly why DH is so pissed off about it.

SMof2Girls's picture

BM won't agree to anything less than sole custody. Unless she can limit DH to every other weekend, she's willing to take it to a judge.

Or say she says ..

DH has offered time and again a more reasonable split of time allowing her more break and weekend time. She refuses anything that doesn't reduce his time. He has drawn a hard line .. he knows the absolute minimum he's willing to accept.

I realize now why she's playing her hard ball .. she got the paperwork for the child support recalc. I didn't realize his attorney went ahead and filed it .. I KNOW that doesn't make her very happy.

ej'scrazy's picture

If that's the case, she's probably more worried about the money than the kids--which is par for the course, for most BM's. Heaven forbid that the kids/DH still want a relationship.