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SAHsigh's picture

Anyone else sometimes regret becoming a stepparent? Tonight, I think I do...

asheeha's picture

once regretted being a second wife...

not yet regretted being a smom...but my skids aren't teens yet and don't live here full time. i'm sure that regret will come.

Doubletakex3's picture

Yes. I don't have bios. If I had known that I'd fall in love (twice!) with men with kids, I would have had my own kids. At least then all the bs would be a labor of love and not just thankless work to pick up BM or Disney Dad's slack.

Being a SM is the epitome of the phrase: "All the responsibility and none of the authority." The SM has to live with the consequences of other's poor choices.

herewegoagain's picture

Yep! All the time. Fortunately, our CS mess SHOULD end in 4 1/2 months. Once it does, I hope that things will change as I have thankfully seen a huge change in DH. 99% of our issues have been truly caused by the stress of crazy and loser. Ask me again in 6 mos and my answer might be different if CS does not end.

Starla's picture

Outside of having a great husband, I wish the kids had a healthy set of parents from the start. Both birth parents were stupid & more so selfish than anything. My step kids have taught me a lot & I love them but wish they could of been my own. I'm sorry is that sounds really mean to any birth parents out there.