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regression in accidents

luckykitten's picture

So as ya'll know I'm a first time mom to my sd, and I have a quick question. She is nearing 6 years old but seems to be regressing in her potty training. Most of the time she is hiding the underwear in her basket, so until laundry day rolled around I didn't realize how bad it was. 5 days of her laundry resulted in 17 pairs of undies! I have tried pushing cranberry juice just in case of a minor bacteria issue.... For all I know it could be perfectly normal for a child who was completely potty trained to take a few steps back.

But. I'm wondering if possibly the uncertain/unhealthy relationship she has with her Bm, combined with the lack of daddy time is compounding the situation?

She is extremely hyper and unfocused, I also wonder if her scattered thoughts lead to the MANY oops. I dunno, any advice on parents who went through potty training would be appreciated. I'm just glad I have her changing her undies as soon as it happens so there is no rash!
Ps, we do have her on a potty schedule right now. We starts this back up after we had two weeks filled with accidents. I'm not sure what else to do!

luckykitten's picture

She doesn't start school until this fall, so I have had no professional feedback. Do I think possibly there is something misfiring in her brain, yeah. She constantly fidgets, has trouble focusing on what is being said, and even when you tell her to stop and listen her fingers will be wiggling, or she's tugging on her shirt, or she listens for a moment or two then loses focus.

She is very clingy, and does seem to lack imagination. She does not like playing by herself. Most toys we buy get tossed aside.... Unless it's interactive (i.e. learning computer type toys) we try and enforce alone playtime. But she gets bored and pouty. Lol. She has more fun doing learning exercises (because I'm there) than she does playing with her dolly or legos. Lol

I personally think she's smart as a whip. She can count to a hundred, count in multiples of ten, do basic addition, some subtraction. Knows and writes her entire alphabet, can write 1-10, etc. Read small words, All with just "home schooling" from me. (sorry proud smama moment. Lol)
Since she is the first one I've raised, I'm not sure what is normal and what I should be watching for. I mainly want to help her succeed.

And I don't tell dear dad that I think she has attention issues. I broached it one time and he flipped a cork. Not his Angel!

Agged and Fragged's picture

If it's strictly #1 accidents I would take her to the pediatrician and get her checked out for a UTI or some other genito/urinary problem. My SD used to get tons of UTIs as a kid, comes from not wiping correctly (back to front). Kids, especially girls, really need to be instructed on proper hygiene or sometimes just reminded. I'd definitely have a talk with her about it and ask her what's going on. It could also be something not infection related, like an overactive bladder (most commonly hits kids between age five and eight).

If it's #2 accidents then I don't know what to tell you. Sadly, there are more skids on this site with those sort of toilet problems than you can shake a stick at.

When in doubt, eliminate medical problems first.

giveitago's picture

I think you might have a 'daddy in denial' here. I'd suggest a more subtle approach of disengaging, be 'going to the store' or 'out of tampons' or something that means he has to spend alone time with his daughter. Make it that he does the bedtime routine? He needs to see these things for himself before he will even begin to recognize them. It sounds like you are doing a great job keeping her occupied though and she needs that, you know it! Good luck!