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Quick question

Mommyof4Luvs's picture

Hi all, I've been here reading and getting great advice from all you ladies (and men)for about a month. So many times someone will say, go back and read my previous posts.....HOW?! :? I know it's probably right in front of me but when I click on a users name I don't see anything that says view previous posts, or anything similar to that?! Someone Please tell me what I'm doing wrong lol. Thanks in advance Smile

LRP75's picture

If you click on someone's name, it will take you to their individual profile. On their profile is a link to read past blogs posted by them. Biggrin

hereiam's picture

I think, and I may be wrong, that only works if they have blogged it as opposed to started threads in the forum. I don't know that there is an easy way to see previous posts in the forum by certain members.