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Question.. What would cause SS14 Odd behavior Regarding this

Sunlover92's picture

For as long as I can remember SS14 has been super fearful of most things. The older SS14 gets the worse it gets. SS14 Never learned to ride a bike without training wheels as SS14 was to afraid. Had no interest in Skateboarding/rollerskating for the same reason. For the most part refuses to try anything new where he could get Slightly hurt. SUPER afraid of ANY kind of scary movie or story and Refuses to participate. When we pick out a movie for movie night first thing SS14 asks "is it scary".   SS14 Choice of movie is always slapstick comedy Like the three stooges. Ghost stories around the campfire? Nope SS14 will leave. 

The best one was this spring when he came over and asked DH to "talk to his teacher and tell her to stop talking about the "civil unrest". When asked why SS14 responded she's making it worse than it is. The teacher was not SS14 was just getting scared. 

What makes a teen boy so fearful of Certain things? Is this something that he's going to outgrow?

Winterglow's picture

I have a nephew who was scared to go skiing with his father because BM had told him that the minute he stepped on snow there would be an avalanche that could kill him... 

Sunlover92's picture

BM WANTS SS14 to try new things. BM got SS a new bike and tried to sign him up for different sports. If anything BM "Shelters" SS14 from the Reality of life. BM would NEVER tell SS If he went skiing he could be killed by an avalanche. SS14 tells DH how BM is always laughing and sees the positive in life. We know better. BM has always been a Miserable hateful vengeful person she's just putting on a show for SS. BM makes sure that SS14 is Coddled and sheltered and treated like a toddler.


Oh forgot...watching the news at our house is out also as SS14 flips out telling us to change the station

notarelative's picture

BM may have bought  the bike and say she wants her son to learn new things, but my guess is that she is subtilly undermining and SS has picked up on it. My SIL did this. She wanted my nephew to do things, but due to the death of their oldest, she was anxious. Nephew picked up on it.

My youngest was nephew's age. We took a vacation and stopped  at a large amusement park. Day one, nephew went on lots of rides, but didn't want to go on the hanging roller coaster (I don't blame him. I would not go on it either.) So while DH and my  child were on it, I let nephew call home. Nephew wouldn't go on another ride for the rest of the day. Fortunately, next day he reverted to going on all but the biggest coasters.

SS sounds extreme. His dad might consider counseling.

Dogmom1321's picture

Sounds like he has crippling anxiety if it's to the point he doesn't live his life. DH should consider getting him counseling. 

Don't cater to him! He doesn't want to watch the news? He can go elsewhere. It's what everyone else is watching. 

Steppedonnomore's picture

It could be anxiety. It could be manufactured behavior influenced by someone else or for attention. It could simply be "normal" for SS.  I'd recommend finding a counselor who is familiar with HSPs.