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Question for any SM or SD

Mmblg2011's picture

A little background here, I have been with my significant other for 7 years. I have an 8yo son from a previous relationship. I was only a teenager when I had him and the circumstance behind it are anything but spectacular. My SO has been in my sons life almost as long as I have and he is the world in my kids eyes. Recently my SO has been having feelings about not being able to live a life with someone who is involved with their ex. We are engaged and this has somewhat rocked us as it seems to be really debilitating this time after all these years. My ex and I have a pretty cut and dry relationship we text only about our son and that's it we don't have drama and we aren't best friends we are just nice enough to not mess up our kid when he is older. My SO was talking about firsts and not able to have our first child together (he's always said he didn't want kids and his situation to be a part time parent is ideal) so this is confusing. For me IF we ever had a child it would be our first and the circumstances behind it would be so different. My pregnancy was a shameful thing and there wasn't any love behind it. Can someone explain to me the logic behind firsts if the circumstance is totally different? What do I do to support him or make him know that he is my last?? HELP!!!

ndc's picture

There have been several SMs on here recently saying the same thing - that they resent not being able to have the "firsts" with their husbands or SOs.  It seems odd that your SO is bringing it up for the first time after 7 years - maybe as marriage gets closer he's having cold feet.

I don't have issues with the "firsts."  I'm pregnant now and it's my first but my DH's third child.  I look at this as my DH's first *planned* child, and he has the good sense to act as though mine is the first and most important pregnancy ever.  

I think the two of you could benefit from counseling.

Mmblg2011's picture

It's come up before where he has voiced that having my ex present in my child's life sucks and we've talked through it and he's been like ah I'm just freaking out. But this time and maybe it's because we are getting married he says he is thinking of the future like far into, like if my son ever says "you're not my real dad" or something like that. He's expressed that he wants to be with me and he's been to see a therapist recently about it because he says I don't understand and I can't do anything to really change it. Which I don't understand and I commend him all the time on being there for my kid like he's his own. I involve him in decisions and parenting and all that good stuff that I feel like some step parents don't get to be involved in. I know people say well you can't dumb down the experience of your first child but I think having a baby as a teenager without the support of anyone and having a baby as a married couple with love surrounding it and your family celebrating it are different things to me. He says it's the same but it's not to me and I don't think back to my pregnancy and be like ahh that was a good time in my life, it resulted in ab amazing child but that's about it.  

Imbadatusernames's picture

Here is my take on it. He is telling you that he is fearful that your experience of your child together will be less than because you have already experienced it, although in a very significantly different circumstance. Then when you explain how you dont, in fact, feel that way, he decides that you are wrong about your own feelings?


Or is it that he, himself, will feel less enthusiastic because it isnt your first? Which would seem pretty medieval to me. As long as it is HIS first and you display equal enthusiasm, the rest really shouldnt matter. 


I would predict he is having larger feelings of misgiving over blended family life and is using the pregnancy hypothetical as a sticking point. 


Have you pointed out that as parenting goes, pregnancy ends up being a pretty minuscule part of that equation?

Harry's picture

We see other people go through first in there life.  Brothers, sisters, friends.  When the person with kids try's to make it like there first marriage was nothing. It's hard to believe.  
That all the first like a big wedding they had meant nothing.  You can not have a big wedding because no one will pay for it and who is going to attend a second wedding. 


tog redux's picture

I don't understand the "firsts" things either.  I can see it when someone is dating a person with a child, but not after they've been with them for 7 years.  I didn't have children with DH but I don't think it would have bothered me. 

I think you should cut him loose, his ideas of what he wants have changed, it seems.

susanm's picture

You said that he has brought this up before but it seems different now.  How long has it been this way?  You have every right to ask him to lay out exactly what he wants from you and to stop beating around the bush.  The bottom line is that you do have a first child and that is that.  No amount of wishing on his part will make that not so.  It has been 8 years since that child was born, you are a different person, and these circumstances will be completely different so if you do have a child together it will be unique to the two of you.  But he is going to have to decide whether that is going to be good enough for him or not.

Perhaps he is looking for a backdoor and this is his "reason" so that he can blame it on circumstance rather than cold feet or simply changing his mind about getting married.  There is nothing wrong with flat out asking him if that is the case.  Better to find out now.  But jerking you around and essentially shaming you by saying that the problem is the fact that you had the nerve to have a child before you met him - when he has known that for 7 years now - is a really crappy thing to do.

Mmblg2011's picture

It's different in the sense that when this has come up before it's been like a day and a brief conversation where as this time it's been weeks of him being down about it like not eating not doing normal things and being hurtful in the process. I don't know if it's with the realization of us getting married that it seems more of a permanent thing in his life and his biggest thing is just having an ex of mine in his life forever even from a distance. 

SteppedOut's picture

I don't think I would want to marry someone that tried to make me feel less than because I had a child. 


ndc's picture

I think you have to put a stop to this.  Tell him there is nothing you can do about having a child and an ex, and he can either accept it or not.  You might as well tell him that it's quite possible that there *will* be a time when he hears "you're not my dad" from your kid, just like most bio parents hear "I hate you" at some point. And if he can't take that, or he can't take not being the father of the first child, he needs to move on.  It's not fair to you for him to be moping around about this when you are so many years into your relationship.  He's absolutely entitled to feel as he does, but if he can't get over it he needs to cut bait.  

Lollybobs's picture

It might be a good idea to put wedding plans on hold for the moment, at least until this is sorted out. Because if he can't handle your situation, it's better to know now and avoid an unhappy marriage and subsequent divorce.

It's odd that it should happen now though after 7 years because that is plenty of time to decide if being a step parent is something you want. You say he's seeing a therapist but maybe couples therapy would also be helpful. 

NJStepmonster's picture

I sort of get it - I'm not my boyfriend's first in pretty much anything, including parenthood, but we're not having babies.  It bothered me  occasionally  when we were new (6 years ago), and we talked  briefly about it. He understood, and we moved past it.  Now we jokingly celebrate firsts - first vacation together to a particular spot, first dog, first first time at a certain restaurant together,  new home, etc. Silly, but it's our way of still having new stuff together. 

There are so many other significant firsts you  shared, probably haven't shared, why is this now such a big deal? I agree with other posters that it's something bigger, and he's holding to this as a way to justify whatever else he's feeling that he can't/won't deal with. It sucks when partner's won't just be up front. 

BethAnne's picture

Ultimately if his concern for lack of firsts is genuine then all you can do is explain to him, as you have here, that for you it will be the first in many positive ways to choose to have a child in a way that you are both ready and prepared for. Perhaps you can show him that it will be good and positive with him.

He may though still have a genuine desire to be with someone who does not have an ex in the background and who has no kids and your persuasions will never be enough.

He could also just be ready to move on from the relationship and so your words will not work in the long term and he will leave for one reason or another. 

The 7 year itch is real. He could be looking at his life and looking over the fence at the life he could have in his imagination. If he is as young as you he could also be maturing a little and deciding that having kids is something that he would like after all or it could be his get out of jail free card so that he doesn’t have to be the bad guy in breaking the relationship off. People can change a lot over 7 years and 7 years in your teens/20’s is a really long time when you mature and change in numerous ways. Perhaps this relationship has just run its course or perhaps it is time for you two to sit down and redefine your relationship and lives along the lines of who you two are now and not who you were when you first got together. 

There really are a lot of unknowns and you are going to have some tough conversations with your boyfriend to work out what is going on and a way forwards. 

BethAnne's picture

You could also ask your boyfriend if he thinks it would be helpful for you to attend one of his therapy sessions with him to help you understand what he is going through. I wouldn’t push it, but if you are willing to go I might mention it to him as an option. 

Being a step parent does feel different to being a bio-parent. You aren’t ever going to be the bio parent no matter what you do and sometimes you can feel the lack of that bond with the child and it can cut pretty deep. It is agrivating having the ex always in the background, even if it is minimally impactful. It is tough to act like a parent but to know that you have no legal say in parenting matters and that if your spouse died or you divorced/separated you may never see this child again. Being a step parent is emotionally taxing and not easy for anyone. It is not like being a bio parent no matter how much your partner supports you. 

Rags's picture

I think that the whole "firsts" thing is a bunch of bullshit perpetrated by immature people.

If a couple has not had a child together any child they have together at that point is their first. Even if they both have one or several kids with prior mates.

In my case, though I have no BKs, our son is our first.... and our only.  He was young when we met (15mos) and we married the week before SS-27 turned 2yo.  I have never had issue with my amazing bride having a past.  I have my own past through no kids.  Our pasts are what make us who we are and a big part of why we are where we are together.

I would not jeopardize an interesting relationship because that person had a past including an X, kids, or any number of prior partners.

If someone having a past is an issue, then people should marry virgins and create a past together.  If that ship has sailed, then people should marry non breeders and breed the kids together.

Just my thoughts of course.

Kona_California's picture

First, you sound like an awesome BM. Making your SO's voice count in parenting is a huge deal. It sounds like maybe since he previously didn't want kids, maybe he's changing his mind about it. If he's changing his mind, he might suddenly really care about the experience of having a child with you, which I think shows how much you mean to him. 

When you talk to him, tell him how beautiful of an experience it would be to you having his first child (if you haven't already). Ask him what would be possible for him to feel better about the situation. Perhaps different boundaries with your ex? Also, has he met your ex? If not, after 7 years, he could be giving that person too much power in his mind. Meeting the ex regularly  could desensitize some dramatic thoughts on his end. 

I did think about the possibility that he could be cheating with a childless woman, but if he's expressing this to you and going to therapy for it, I don't think he is. 

Guiltriddenameteur's picture

So my SO has 3 boys to a previous marriage and we now have a 1YO daughter together. I'm so glad she was a girl as it is HIS first girl also as well as my first baby. But it was always something that upset me as it was never how I expected my life. I wanted to celebrate pregnancy and birth and becoming a little family together as a new thing for both parties but I guess you can't help who you fall in love with. My experience obviously was very different but there was always that niggle in the back of my head that hed been through it 3 times before so he wasn't bothered, while it was the biggest deal to me. Obviously he loves all 4 of his kids and wants them all involved in everything but it's very different for me. I want us time. Me him and MY daughter. Sounds selfish but I don't want everything to involve his kids. It almost makes me feel like I miss out. We have come to a compromise and he always asks me what I think but I have to take extra care to continuously think about his boys so as not to exclude them or make them feel like I treat my daughter differently. It's so hard. SO doesn't know this. He wanted my daughter to wait on Xmas morning to open her presents until the boys came...I was like erm no! I want to enjoy some experiences without them here! 

I've gone a bit off topic but it's really hard to explain. Everything is different when you are with someone who already has kids and you don't. It's completely not how anyone envisages any experience they wanted to have when they eventually have a child of their own and it's terrifying, surreal, hectic, stressful and fills you full of guilt as well. I feel guilty every day for everything whether it's spending all of my time with my daughter or whether it's putting the boys first in plans so as not to exclude them. Every ounce of energy is taken up mentally. I don't know if it's the same for a SD as it is for a SM but this is how I feel and all the firsts make me angry because I somehow miss out because the excitement is taken away by the boys often constantly being there and limelight and attention is then generally on them. Drives me insane. I hope that helps a bit. This is only my experience and I could be completely off the mark. My SO is extremely good at trying to share his time between everyone - except when it comes to firsts...1st birthday, 1st Christmas, 1st family holiday.... xxx

captjacksprrw's picture

I had no bio kids and married a wonderful woman who had two sons.  Due to nature, there was not option for us to have bio kids though I found it incredibly flattering that she always said she would have wanted to.  As a guy, this makes zero sense if you are in love and want to marry.  You two are making your own memories and doing your own things.  It was a little touchy about her ex at first but over the years I've grown to like the guy a bit.  We even have done re-do's  example:  She had a horrible experience going on an overnight trip with the ex many years back to a particular destination.  So the two of us went and she experienced it positively.  That is now our favorite quick getaway spot for a refresh.  I agree with most of the responses and this sounds very much like cold feet.  Possibly talk with him about postponing the marriage because you honestly see this as cold feet.  Trust me ... you're not my dad is about the least of the things he is going to experience.  The role of SDad or SMom is not for the faint of heart. 

Rags's picture

There is no logic behind it.  Even worse, there is no intelligence of any kind.

This "first" bullshit  is the pathetic whining of the pathetically immature demonstratons bymicroscopic mental specimens.