I need some input on what everyone else thinks of this scenario.
When I married my husband, I moved into his house. Prior to us getting married, SD13 (12 at the time) and DH slept in the same bed (which is my bed now) and basically "shared" a bedroom even though SD has her own bedroom. I put a quick stop to that once I found out they were sleeping together even though DH didn't see a problem with that. Well, now that habit has become hard to break. My DH will not shut our bedroom door. EVER. (SD lives with us 5 days a week.) I have no privacy. EVER. SD is free to come in and out of our bedroom as she pleases. I have no privacy.
Anyway, last night I went to bed early. I just wanted to be alone away from her. She is constantly up our a@@es when she is there. So I am laying in bed and she comes in and gets on her dads side of the bed and gets under the covers. (she has bad hygene also.) I didn't say anything. Then her dad comes in and goes to his side of the bed and SD says, "No, I'm not getting up." So wimp (DH) turns around and stands there a second like, "duh, what to I do now." So he goes to the end of the bed and lays down in the middle of me and SD. She then starts to rub his hair affectionately. (Like I, his wife, does.) This went on for a while til I got so disgusted I got up and went in the living room and laid down. Does this creep anyone else out.
1) he gets uncomfortable when I show him affection in front of how is it ok that his daughter does.
2) rubbing the head affectionately like that (like I do) is a bit much, especially in MY BED!
3) Making herself at home in MY BED is not ok!
4) Not having privacy IN MY OWN ROOM is not ok!
Oh, yeah. He also gets her dressed in the morning.
Am I overreacting?????
Oh, yeah. He also gets her
Oh, yeah. He also gets her dressed in the morning.
:jawdrop: are kidding right? That is VERY, VERY strange!!! So are teh other reasons, but this takes the cake.
She is THIRTEEN and he is
She is THIRTEEN and he is still dressing her??? Completely inappropriate. She is a teenager for crikeys sake. She isn't a baby anymore. You have a right to your privacy. And a couples bedroom is no place for children. I would put a stop to that immediately. In fact I have heard you shouldn't even have pictures of the kids in your bedroom. Your bedroom is just that..YOUR bedroom!
Something seriously gross and
Something seriously gross and wrong is going on here. 13 year olds have boobs and periods. How is he even dressing her??? Like picking out outfits or actually taking clothes on and off of her? :jawdrop:
There are a lot of other
There are a lot of other issues with SD that have just about ended our relationship, but really, THIS takes the cake. I am considering packing up and going back home to my house. (peace, quiet and privacy). Especially since when I told him what I was upset about, he said he didn't see anything inappropriate.
She rules the roost and always will, I'm afraid.
He dresses her as in picking
He dresses her as in picking out her clothes and I guess sits there with her while she dresses. I don't know. He shuts the door. She hasnt' gotten her period yet, (thank God because her hygiene is horrible). and her boobs are just a bunch of fat. She is about 5'4 and weighs OVER 170 lbs.
He shuts the door and watches
He shuts the door and watches while she dresses??? I dont care if she hasnt gotten her period or her boobs are all just fat that is not okay at all especially when you two cannot shut the door but he shuts the door with her. Honestly I am a victim of sexual abuse so I might be overreacting but this seems very very strange and odd. I dont trust this at all
O. M. G.
O. M. G.
**like** Get a quickie
Get a quickie divorce from this perv in Tijuana.
Seriously!! He's married to SD and not you. SHE'S his real spouse.
Co-sleeping is the NUMBER ONE red flag that things aren't right in denmark.
No co-sleeping beyond infancy. They don't even recommend it in infancy for safety reasons!!
He probably views SD as a "BM do-over."
:sick: :sick:
This is creepy and gross.
This is creepy and gross. Where is this girls's mother? Has she ever been in the picture? I have a 13 year old SD and if she and my DH acted like this I would probably be calling CPS MYSELF! BLEECCHH
The bad hygiene alone doesn't
The bad hygiene alone doesn't put up a red flag for abuse but the bad hygiene combined with all that you've posted screams SEXUAL ABUSE to me.
No. He's not a perv. I think
No. He's not a perv. I think he is just trying to make up for mistakes and not being there in her earlier life. I'm not making up me! I don't think it's right and I don't like feeling like a third wheel!!! But he isn't a pervert.
um and HOW exactly do you
um and HOW exactly do you KNOW for sure 100% without a shadow of doubt that he's not a "perv" there are girls that have been abused for YEARS and their own mothers never had a clue and just thought dad was affectionate.
Oh, the mother has a live in
Oh, the mother has a live in boyfriend that is about 15 years younger than BM. She is more concerned about buying boyfriend what he wants and partying than teaching SD how to clip her long, dirty, mudcaked fingernails!
Im glad that your weirded out
Im glad that your weirded out about it but im surprised your husband isnt. My SO doesnt get affectionate even with his nieces once they pass a certain age because thats weird. I mean him watching her dress very big problem but also the fact she thinks this is normal like climbing into bed with you I find odd and her rubbing his head and hair is odd its not normal behavior and why does your DH not feel more uncomfortable??
I don't think my DH is the
I don't think my DH is the problem. Yes, he allows it. But SD is the problem! SHE wants to rule the roost, run the show, get her way, etc. DH is just too cowardly to put a stop to it! She is spoiled and gets her way. You all may disagree with me, but that's the way I see it. He won't put his foot down and be the BOSS. As far as getting her dressed, shutting the door, whatever, it's because she won't do it for herself! Why do it when someone else is stupid enough to do it for you.
Either way, I've had it!
Ah but you see, DH IS the
Ah but you see, DH IS the problem. You said so yourself:
"He won't put his foot down and be the BOSS."
People only allow want they WANT to allow.
Yeah. Your right!
Yeah. Your right!
Put an end to this
Put an end to this foolishness now, or she'll continue to rule the roost. Everything you mentioned is inappropriate. She needs to sleep in her own bed and when she doesn't he needs to step up and make her. You deserve your privacy. Have a long discussion w/DH and make him aware that a - your privacy (individual and as a couple) is important in strengthing your bond and b - that his daughter is more than capable of picking out her own clothes and dressing herself and he needs to encourage her to do that asap. If he continues to deny there's anything wrong with it, you may have to leave.
A few years ago (against my better judgement), I moved in w/DH and SD. She was 25 at that time. We had major issues about appropriateness. A few examples are SD used to walk around in a towel after getting out of the shower, on another occasion one night she was cooking dinner, and knocked on our closed bedroom door. DH opened it and she fed him a forkful so he could taste it . . like it was her first time cooking. I kicked him out of the bedroom.
On more than one occasion, he would get angry when I retreated to our bedroom and closed the door. He wanted me to keep it open so she'd have access to me like a 5 year old. I refused. I'm a grown woman and if I want to read, watch tv, drink wine, yak on the phone in private . .nobody is going to tell me I can't do it. Finally, I told him that his allegiance was to SD and not me and if I didn't see a change, I was leaving. He made a 360 change.
Stand your ground and don't allow her to force you out. You are his wife and you come first!
Good luck.
Thank you.
Thank you.
IF you have a gut feeling
IF you have a gut feeling that something is not right. . .then something is not right. NEVER ignore that inner voice. I ignored it many times and it got me into the trouble I am in today!!
FSD does not sleep with FDH
FSD does not sleep with FDH anymore but she sure marks her territory in our room...not only does she and her friends camp out in our room and use our bathroom, making a terrible mess of both and don't clean up, FSD marks her territory by leaving dirty underwear and clothes in the closet in the bathroom, on the bathroom floor and under the bed in our room. It is absolutely ridiculous. Mind you she has a room that has TV, DVD player, Wii and Wii fitboard, PSP, DSi, laptop, radio, lots of games and books....but Daaaaaaaadddyyyyyyy's room is where you find her. Being in the adult's bedroom is the SK showing her complete dominance in the house and over her father...I truly believe this.
Thank you! Good idea!
Thank you! Good idea!
Even if it isn't HIM that is
Even if it isn't HIM that is doing the abusing (could be the BMs boy toy), it IS a possibility that this is happening to the girl.
Either way, I would make sure that daddykins KNOWS how it could APPEAR to other people!
I almost threw up. GROSS
I almost threw up. GROSS GROSS GROSS!! you need to print out all these responses and let dh read them. Dh and I have 2 daughters together- 5 and 1. Every now and then our 5yo wants to sleep with daddy, but she is 5! And even at 5, she wants her privacy and doesn't like to change in front of daddy all the time. Sd is old enough to know better. By dh allowing this behavior to continue he is helping her develop an unnatural and twisted mentality when it comes to relationships. All he is doing is hurting her in the long run. I know you say dh isn't doing anything wrong but he is. He is allowing her to behave this way. If he did not know better then when you called him out on her behavior he would've put a stop to it. But he hasn't. There is something there and some other reason besides guilt that he is letting this go on. Talk to him and if be doesn't change then all 3 of you need counseling. Not because YOU need it, but because dh and sd need to hear from a professional that their relationship is not normal.
I agree! I did tell him that
I agree! I did tell him that it creeped me out last night. And he apologized but he didnt' think it was inappropriate. He has a twin brother and he said he has seen his brothers daughter run her fingers through his hair. And I said,'I bet they weren't laying in bed though!"
He just sent me a text asking what was wrong with me and I told him that last night broke the camels back with me. He said he wasn't going to respond because his response would be in anger and pride. So he would talk to me later.
What in the world could he be angry at? I certainly didn't do anything wrong. The only thing he might be angry about is that I don't kiss SD ass also!!
I totally agree. DH is the
I totally agree. DH is the problem here.
This is creepy beyond belief.
This is creepy beyond belief. My DH has NEVER bathed his daughter. NEVER. He always asked me to do it when she was younger. Now she's 10 and bathes herself. There is something VERY wrong here and I would find out what it is immediately. This reeks of some type of incest or molestation. I'm sorry, I know you must be thrown by all these comments but you yourself are having a sinking feeling about what this is, which means, you already know.
Your DH has NO business being
Your DH has NO business being with his 13 year old daughter while she's undressed or changing. He has NO business laying down with her, be it in your bed, on the couch, or anywhere else. The privacy issue is HIS fault & HIS to fix. It's HIS behavior that needs to change & when it does, hers will be forced to change.
I was babysitting small babies at 12 years old. I was changing diapers, fixing & feeding bottles on schedule. I was bathing them. At 13 years old, his daughter is PERFECTLY CAPABLE of bathing herself & dressing herself. HER behavior = spoiled child. HIS behavior = abuse.
I'm stunned that your complaint is YOUR lack of privacy. What about hers???
HOld on a minute! Yes, my
HOld on a minute! Yes, my complaint is MY PRIVACY! She is allowed her privacy!!!! She doesn't want it cause she wants daddy up her ass!
Yes, she is perfectly capable of dressing herself....she chooses not to and daddy does it for her!
This is what I think: BM
This is what I think:
BM trapped DH by getting pregnant. They were never married. She guilted him into moving in with her then kept him there by paying all the bills and supporting him. He finally, after 10 years, left her. He didn't love her. NEVER. Then when he left, she made his life hell, switching from trying to buy him back to making him feel guilty to using SD as her weapon. He and I met, and since we have been together BM has done the same thing with 3 other men. (minus the baby part). She buys them, supports them just to keep a man. My opinion is that SD has learned some bad behavior from her mother, in relation to men, then also manipulative behavior and guilt toward her dad.
DH can't stand up to BM, and now he can't stand up to SD.
Thats my opinion. I truly don't believe there is sexual abuse or incest. I just think he is a dad that won't let his spoiled daughter grow up. And SD takes advantage of it.
So, you've blamed SD for
So, you've blamed SD for being a spoiled brat who's taking advantage & you've blamed BM for teaching SD bad habits. You've mentioned several times that her playing with his hair is what you do. He sleeps in bed with her. He is in her bedroom with her while she's changing her clothes.
HE is treating her like a wife. HE is allowing her to play the wife roles. I don't believe SD is to blame in this case. I don't believe it's at all about her taking advantage. She is behaving the way she has been taught to behave. She is falling into the role HE has given her in your home.
As far as "DH can't stand up to BM, & now he can't stand up to SD"...he is a grown man. He is just as much her father as her mother is her mother. In his home, he can do anything he wants to do. Between my dad & my 5 brothers, I've witnessed men who feel their daughters are growing up too fast & would love to slow the process down. Maybe they give Barbies & baby dolls as gifts after she's outgrown them. Maybe they buy little frilly dresses for them when they've grown into wanting to wear jeans & t-shirts. In none of those cases has it led them to being behind closed doors with their 13 year old daughter as she's changing her clothes or getting dressed.
It sounds, to me, like you're in denial. Read through the entire thread & really look at how many different people have posted the same concerns? It's something to really give some thought to & consider.
I agree with Stormabruin.
I agree with Stormabruin. Even if you set aside all of the HIGHLY questionable acts, you're putting all of the blame on SD and BM. Yes, I'm sure they are large problems. However, DH has made his decisions. No one is making them for him. He is an adult, just like you. If you are capable of thinking rationally, why do you make excuses for him? He CAN stand up to them. He CHOOSES not to.
--The laying in your bed at 13 is too much. You should both have said something to that one at the time, him primarily (I say both because I wouldn't be able to keep my own mouth shut on that).
--The hair caressing could go either way. If it's a thing only you do, it's weird--like if you playfully smack his rear and then she starts doing it. Weird. Otherwise, I'm not sure it alone is quite horrible.
--The part where he SHUTS THE DOOR AND WATCHES HER GET DRESSED is 100% WRONG WRONG WRONG. I don't care how you want to justify this to yourself. It's not right. He could choose not to do it. YES HE COULD. Then she could sit in her room and not get dressed. So what. That's better than him watching her change her clothes 5 days a week. Even if all he is doing is platonically watching her change her clothes, it's still wrong. AND it's HIS FAULT.
Thats fine that you think
Thats fine that you think that but she cant just get pregnant on her own ya know your DH got her pregnant and lived with her for 10 years which is a long time. You make it seem like he is a victim. These are his choices for his life and I dont think you want to come to terms with that. His daughter has probably learned some bad behavior but if she climbed into bed naked with him would he tell her no get out of here?? Or be afraid to stand up to her as you say?? I mean your blaming everything on someone else besides your DH. This is his daughter he sees nothing wrong so technically he doesnt want to fix this problem because there is no problem. Really think about it hard regardless of the abuse if you had a daughter with him would you feel comfortable he dressed her at 13? Now a days girls are getting pregnant at that age and this girl doesnt want to dress herself?? Wake up call you need one so go get one. I hate being mean to you but I was abused and all the signs were there but my mom made excuses like everybody else.
Yes, she is perfectly capable
Yes, she is perfectly capable of dressing herself....she chooses not to and daddy does it for her!++++++++++++++++++++++++++
UGH! Really? How do you know this? It seems like your DH has a choice in dressing her and HE chooses to. She is 13, I am sure she would dress herself if she had too.
I can tell you right now, I think you will lose the fight about her stroking his hair. I don’t see that as a big issue either. Neither do I see anything wrong with co sleeping at an appropriate age, and watching TV in bed with your kids. IF YOU ARE NOT REMARRIED. I could NEVER see SS doing this, I would freak. Lol
You need to make this fight about it being YOUR and DH’s room, not SD’s. And how she is NOT allowed in there at all.
I would not bring up the hair stroking. I would bring up the clothes issue. I know you disagree, but that is weird, weird, weird. Good luck.
If this is real I think you
If this is real I think you are in serious denial. I don't know if I can believe that any man that isn't pervy would lay in bed with their 13 year old daughter and let her run her hands through his hair, and help her get dressed everyday, with her bedroom door shut. Any man I know would not want to be anywhere near their naked teenage daughter. Reading back on your past posts make me think something is strange here. You posted that he will not have sex while she's there either (which is 5 days a week!).
I don't understand why they
I don't understand why they close the door when they're in her room together. If the idea is privacy, should he not be on the outside of the door if it's closed???
I don't see an issue with the
I don't see an issue with the stroking of his hair. SD10 sits on her dads lap and strokes his hair. He has beautiful hair and it is all grey so she likes to play with it. At first it used to bug me, but I've actually grown quite used to their relationship. They hardly see each other so when she's at our home I kinda let her have her time with her Dad. But the dressing her? The closing the door when she getting dressed while he's in there? Climbing into bed with him? THAT is wrong on every possible level. boyfriend has a boyfriend has a daughter that is 12 going on 24. I have always thought that their relationship was a little close but I have to say this one makes me see theirs is not that bad. I see where your DH has some guilt issues big time! He don't want his daughter to feel that he has/is deserting her by picking sides with you, or kicking her out of the bedroom. Actually I don't see a problem with kids laying in your bed watching TV for a little while at night. But I see the other side to that too. If you have a problem with it then your DH should respect your wishes. I know you say you don't think your DH is doing anything abusive and you know we can't say that he is. But just keep an open mind to this might be a possiblity. You need to make your DH understand that by making her be more independent is NOT saying he don't love her or that he is against her. It just drives me crazy that these BD think that if they discipline or teach independence that means they don't love them!! Give me a freaking break!! My BF is going to send his daughter out into the world when she goes to college either not knowing how to do a single thing for herself or he will be taking care of her forever, which is what I expect to happen!! Why do they think teaching independence says "i don't love you" or "i chose someone else over you"!! This is where my BF and I so disagree, I believe it is your responsibility to teach your kids how to live without you, because they will or should spend the majority of their life without you and he thinks it's your responsibility to take care of them FOREVER!!
Let me add, the daughter does
Let me add, the daughter does not sleep with us, just sometimes and not that often she will come lay in bed with us and talk or watch TV. But when it's time to go to sleep she goes to her room.
Creepy. Well, since words
Well, since words seem to fail to register with him, I would set up shop in a guest room one day while everyone is out. Move all my stuff in there and commence to sleeping in the guest room, very pointedly having my door closed at night. Tell DH he can visit me for conjugal visits like kings and queens of old. If he gets the message, great. If he thinks this is a swell idea and it was real sweet of me to think of him and the kiddo like that i would re-evalute my marriage pronto.