On a Positive Note... HUBBY BRAG :)
So I don't think we have too many hubby brags going on here but since it's friday and it's been a great week, I wanted to post something positive and see if anyone else has any hubby brags to post
My husband and I are expected our first baby (my first, his second) and he's been SO GREAT about everything. We have SD full-time and we've had her full-time since she was 2 (she's 5 now) and although I love her, it's simply a totally different feeling as i'm sure we all know.
He's never complained about me referring to myself as a first-time mom, he's careful not to compare ANYTHING about this pregnancy to BMs, he's letting me make all sorts of dumb "first time parent" purchases even though I know he knows they're useless, and to top it all off... We had an ultrasound a few days ago and HE pretended to be a first time dad when they asked us questions.
The ultrasound tech started asking if it was our first and he jumped in and said "yeah it's our first" and went on and on about how excited he is. He let me feel like it really, truly was our first together which was lovely.
I'm just so happy with how things have been going. I'm only 15 weeks but we've already found out we're having a boy and DH has been fantastic about everything this far - he's even open to having SD go to her moms for a week after labour/birth so we can have some "us" time. I suggested it thinking he'd be unhappy about it but he was all for it.
It's making it SO MUCH easier to accept my lil family - SD and all - because I know my husband has my back and is still willing to let me shine when I need to. SD is excited about the baby, too!
Well... that's it lol anyone else have any hubby brags?
Awwwww! I'm happy that he's
Awwwww! I'm happy that he's making your first pregnancy special. Congrats on the little one!
A good DH is to be
A good DH is to be appreciated!