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please help

mom1234's picture

I am a bonus mom to a wonderful 13 yearold girl, a lil background he father and i were together as young teenagers we had a baby bein so young and everything we split up, after about a year and a half later bd came and her mom and him were completly different so they didnt work out....we got back together and 5 years later got married, and we continued to have 2 more wonderful children. My dh and i have always been in my bd life and has had and kept all visitation went to school and sport activities and supported her above and beyond the child support. she is treated and loved 100% as one of my own. well recently her bm moved her 4 hours away and with her wantin dh to have less visitation and pay more money, plus with the wishes of the bd he took her to court and got joint legal and physical custody with his home bein primary. what im needin advice on which has always been a problem with her but not so much since she was in her custody, but now that shes in ours we will have to relay all info to bm. well the problem is that she refuses to talk to me about anything, and actually made a big deal about it in court that all convos are to be between her and dh, which is fine but then she complains when he says i has to talk to my wife and she what she has planned or if he doesnt give her the info fast enough.....we have tried to tell her 1. we run our home together and one dont make decisions without consultin the other and 2. i handle all that info, i take care of bill, kids dr appointments, kids school activities and functions such as enrollin, when band concerts, sports everything.....i even went through to see exactly when my husbands visitations were when bm had custody. dont get me wrong my husband is a great father and wonderful husband but is very forgetful and dont always understand what is bein said to him and idk if she likes to ues that to her advantage or if she feels i have no right to or its not my concern to be involved in these convos or what...i really dont know......but what im wantin is any addvise on a polite and straigh forward way to explain to her without breakin the court order (which says no 3rd party interference) that to make things easier on her on us and to relay info faster and get answers to changin visitation schedule or whats goin on in school then it would be in her best intrest to go through me???

Kate13's picture

I would do it via his email. Everything will be in writing. Just make sure your H knows and agrees to it. They dont need to actually talk. It's just a way for her to have control over him. All she needs is the info.

mom1234's picture

we have never sent messages via email cause she insits on phone convos but that was also another persons suggestion so i may consider that.......and dh always knows what exactly is said before i send or say anything....he knows everything and i keep him informed of everything as soon as poss even with our kids, since he works mon-sat 5am-3pm and dont get home till after 4 hes not able to make it to dr appoinments and such so we always have to communicate about that also.....if its an emergency or anything other then normal routine things he takes off work but i usually have to reexplain everything to him after the appointment, but anyways im just jabberin away when all i wanted to let known is he would read it and we would come to any agreement about anything before it was sent

Kate13's picture

I just posted about BM and doc appts. FDH works like crazy so I do that. We havent dared resort to email yet. BM isnt intelligent enough to even speak proper english. I would panic if I had to decifer any text from her. I get that no one's perfect as my FDH is horrible when it comes to that. But when my BS9 (8 at the time) is correcting her and cant understand her something is wrong. Good luck!

mom1234's picture

lol i understan 100%.....i know my english isnt the greatest but there has been letters from her that i had to read a few times just to understand what she was sayin....and for court (as advised by lawyer) we were to recored phone convos and then i had to type them out for the judge (cause they apperently dont want to listen to them just kind of glance at the convo) that was torture a 10 min convo took about an hour to type up cause she cuts u off and jumps around and starts new subjects in the middle of one and then go back to previous subject. like i said my english isnt great either, but the kicker to her communication skills is that shes a preschool yeah i get what ur sayin lol