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robinmm's picture

ok let me start from the beginning...I got pregnant at 18..did not marry the father..married and had my youngest child 5 years later..divorced when my youngest was 2..i had a 2 yr relationship with someone i thought i couldnt live without..ends up he and my sister had a heated arguement july 2011 and he murdered her right in front of me..i will never get over what i seen that day or losing my sister but i am trying to get on with my life the best i can..i met a man december 2011 and we became very good friends..he has become the one i can always confide in..i love him dearly..we got engaged april 2012..he has a 5yr old daughter who will not listen to me..i have never dated or been married to someone who already had kids..the childs mother NEVER wants to have her on her fiance lives with me but when he has his daughter she stays with his mom at night and he brings her here to my house anytime he's off work and when he gets off work until its time to take her back to his mom's to get ready for bed..he keeps making comments about how his child needs to stay with him at night..i completely understand that but this is still my house..i do not have any room in my house to add another child to our living arrangements..he also makes comments about after we get married that he will not make his xwife keep their child on her time if she doesnt want kids are 9 and 14 and i dont think i should have to tend to a 5 yr old ALL the time while my husband is at work (7 days a week)and when my own kids spend time with their fathers' or spend the night off with friends..i do have alot of issues dealing with what happened to my sister and i have more bad days than good..i dont see why he would expect me to tend to his child 24/7 but wont even discuss his xwife having the child..i want to marry him but i dont want to feel like he's only marrying me so i can raise his child so he can work and his xwife can lay on her ass allday doing nothing!!! PLEASE HELP !!!

oldone's picture

Does he understand that YOU are not the parent of his child and never will be? That's what it boils down too.

I'm sure he does want to have his child as much as possible and that's admirable. But it should be as much as is possible for HIM to have the child. Not you.

silentnites's picture

Sorry about your sister, tragic, no words, just sympathy for you.. Personally, if it were me, I would ditch the man and concentrate on myself and my own children. Heal yourself mentally and physically.

There are no rules in mourning the loss of a loved one, there is no time line. Get yourself in order before you bring another person into your life. This situation with him is a red flag and will add to your pain. We tend to make bad decisions when we are vulnerable.

You know better than anyone that life is short. Everyday is a gift. Do not waste it on people that expect more from you then you are willing to give. You have enough in your life right now without caring for someone else's 5 year old.

Prayers to you.

VioletsareBlue's picture

Oh boy. Well I would make him get his own place and date him until all the kids are out of the house.
You already know its a problem, if you get married it will be a bigger problem.

robinmm's picture

thanks for all the advice ! and yea he does need to get the child but only when he can actually tend to her..ive tried telling him that but he doesnt wanna hear it..i just dont know what to do..i love him and i dont want our relationship to end because he expects more out of me than i can give !