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A picture is worth a thousand words

DaniAM73's picture

Does anyone have pictures of their skids in their phone? I used to have pictures of SS12 and SS15, but since disengaging I no longer have pictures of them.

I ask this question because I went to lunch with a friend and she thought it was terrible that I had no pictures of DH's children. I heard the, "they're your children" BS and what an awful SM I was.

I simply told her no they are not and changed the subject. I certainly don't value her opinion, because her DS gives his SM hell and she is more than ok with it.

I started to tell her I'm pretty sure DS's SM doesn't consider your son as her child either.

Rags's picture

Yes I have pics of the Skid on my phone. No, I dont think there is anything wrong with you not having pics of your Skid's on your phone.

Your friend is not the sharpest tool in the shed is she?

DaniAM73's picture

Why Rags what gave it away that she wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed?!

Interesting lunch to say the least.

lorlors's picture

It's ok to have pics on your phone. It is also ok NOT to have pics on your phone. In my view, step parents are unsung heroes not the villains of the piece. We put up with other people's never ending bullshit, endure other people's children (who in my case one of which has woefully inadequate personal hygiene, not ideal especially as I have a nose like a bloodhound/sniffer dog).

It's bloody never ending and people like your 'friend' will simply never understand.

DaniAM73's picture

You're right she will never understand, nor does she want to. I don't even attempt to vent to her, because she is always going to see it from a BM point of view.

JadeMom's picture

Yes, I do have pictures of SDs on my phone, but more for my husband's benefit. Just some nice candid pictures of DH and his kids that I'm sure he'll appreciate one day.

I showed him some the other day from when SD was 2 (now almost 9) we had gone apple picking and I had some nice ones of SD and DH. He hadn't taken any pictures that day and was happy I had them.

Thumper's picture


But hey I am pretty sure BM doesn't have our kids on her phone either. Since they are 1/2siblings to her kids. She is rotten too I guess.

Did your friend ever hear the story of the birds and the bees? IF yes, then she would know you did not give birth to another women's kids.

DaniAM73's picture

Goodluck you nailed it. She made me so angry when she said they were my kids. NO THEY AREN'T!!!

twoviewpoints's picture

It's no different then in years past when someone you're having lunch with that is a social friend asked about wallet photos. Doesn't anyone (am I that old!?) when moms and grandmothers ran around with little bragbooks in their purse. My kids? Sure. And pulls out a gazillion photos of ___________ (usually having to sort through a million little wallet photos of her all her friends kids).

Today's phone are the yesterday wallet photos.

The only thing really out of line was the "why not?'.... no one's business 'why not' and shouldn't ask.

DaniAM73's picture

Strange cookie my friend is. It's been a while since we hung out, she recently moved back to the area and insisted on having lunch. Very strange lunch. I may blog about it.

oneoffour's picture

No. I would have said "BM is their mother and she does not like people looking at her children." Let her think about that one for a while.

Ispofacto's picture


Gwynnafaye's picture

She's probably one of those BMs that will get offended if the SM doesn't have photos of the skids on her phone, yet still be offended that the SM is overstepping if she does have photos. A SM will never win no matter what she does.

DaniAM73's picture

Don't get me started on her. I am sure she does. She has made some comments about DS having to do chores when he stays the summer with BF and SM. She feels he shouldn't have chores. I disagree. It's nothing drastic just the basics.

CANYOUHELP's picture

I do not even acknowledge their existence in any way, shape or form; but they stopped acknowledging my existence--- long before I did, or before I figured out how meaningless I was to them. I finally accepted I was wasting my time trying to make them part of my life.

No, do not put anything in your life, unless it is worthy of being there--that includes pictures on your phone.

DaniAM73's picture

I don't even know their phone numbers. I couldn't give them my number because BM would definitely make it her life's mission to call and harass me.

ldvilen's picture

A picture is worth a thousand words is right. Small incident, but in so many ways it so clearly shows the SM double standard and why SM can never win. We all know how many BMs here would be infuriated to the max. if they found out you had pictures of THEIR children on YOUR phone. How dare you act like THEIR mother, and so on. Interestingly, I even found adult SKs that act similarly, such as berate SM for interfering and at the same time act like SM should have been more like a mom and been there for them. In all cases, in their minds it justifies treating SM like a lesser being or even hating her.

I gave up. Now, I have what I would call a cordial relationship with adult SKs. DH would actually like for me to go on all visits, but If I feel like it (which is most of the time), I go with DH to visit his SKs or go out with them. They are both married. No SGkids yet, but I’m already thinking same rules will apply. If BM is going to be around anywhere, DH gets to decide if he wants to go alone or not. Even though Skids are well into adulthood, they still cowtow to her, and even DH still stands at attention whenever she is around. Not very attractive, believe me, and I want nothing to do with it. No baby showers, etc. for me. Fine.

So, it is what it is at this point. I refer to SKs now as DH’s son and daughter. Yes, even considering I still care deeply for them, but I am no longer fooled. When you become a SM you have entered an archaic, backward, sexist world where you mysteriously and suddenly fall to the bottom of everyone’s priority list, and I do mean everyone’s, including the judicial, religious and counseling communities. You need to do what works best for you because no one else will have your best interests at heart, sometimes not even your own DH.

lintini's picture

Well said!

I was going to say no but I realized I do have photos from last Xmas when DD was just 5 months old and SS16 is holding her on his lap at MIL/FIL house. It was all for show but whatever.

hereiam's picture

Picture of my SD in my phone? No.

I have pictures of furniture that I've built and paintings that I've painted, ya know, things that I'm proud of.

SM12's picture

The only pics I have of my SS's are the ones that my BS is also in. And that typically only involves YSS because they are close.
I had one pic of OSS that I copied off of a FB post. I only did it to print off and give to DH because he was boohooing around that he didn't have any senior pics of OSS. Seems we paid for 1/2 but they were never actually taken. Go figure.
I had the picture for a few weeks when OSS did some real douche move so I deleted it.

DH got copies of school pictures for MSS and OSS two weeks ago. They are still in the envelope sitting on the table. I have no desire to display them. If DH wants them framed and displayed, he is more than capable of making that happen. If not, no skin off my nose.

momjeans's picture

Goodluck nailed it.

And, no, I don’t have pictures of skid on my phone. Sometimes my MIL will send me one or three horrible quality pics she took of skid and our toddlers, but I don’t keep them on my phone long. I’ll put it on the iPad mini, though, so my 2 and 4 year olds can view them.

Sadly, skid is a horrible reminder of BM’s existence, just by her looks and mannerisms.

And this friend said you were “an awful SM”? Is she still your friend? Because I doubt she’d still be mine after I explained the whole if you haven’t walked a day in my shoes, don’t judge bit.

Acratopotes's picture

Nope, never...... not even when she was way way younger and we went on holidays,

I made sure i took pictures of Deigma on holidays but I always did it in such a way that's she's not in the picture, ...

sorry not my child, if DH wanted pictures of his little girl playing in the waves on the beach, he has a phone he can take pictures...
Early teens I did not see the need of it, she took enough selfies to last her a life time...

I had no problem taking pictures of her if she handed me her phone and asked me to...

StepMat789's picture

I am a photo shutterbug, so I take photos all the time. I have photos of all of our family. However, that is me. I love photos. There is nothing wrong with you not having photos of SKID.

The bonds of parenting a SKID is NOT the same as your own. I have two children. One BIO and one adopted overseas. I have four SKIDS. I love my son and daughter with unconditional love. There is nothing I would not do for either one of them. I have one SKID, I feel the same way about. The other three SKIDS...well those are my husband's children. I do not consider them mine.

No one understands the intricacies of a blended family and no one understands the personal jubilations and heartbreaks a Step Parent experiences. Photos or no photos your choice! God Speed.

secret's picture

I have some, yes....and although it's my phone, I generally say I don't when busybodies ask, then say it's my work phone, so I'm not supposed to have anything personal on it. Shuts them up.