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Payback is a bitch

aidenmama's picture

so I logged on to my husband's email to e-mail ss9's teacher to ask how is he doing in class. I get a response back from the teacher that he is doing horrible, and that he is actually throwing temper tantrums and crying in class (3rd grade) wtf???
I told dh about it and he says to me, "I have to much to think about right now to worry about him in school" ex-wife (bm) and him are going back to court for child support issues.

wow, so neither the biomom nor dh give a rats ass about their son in school. the 15 year old is a D student and the 18 year old is in college but I doubt is doing very well. havent heard otherwise though.
BUT the payback is he has so much to say about my son and his schooling, which my bs9 is an A/B student but sometimes will be talkative in class. BUT I am at my son's school, I got to all the meetings etc. and my son is doing great, but because my son's father doesnt attend church he thinks he is not a good father. however he has his son every weekend and my son loves his father and spending time with him. (i know dh is just jealous of this)

I just love the payback because he tries to say that his kids are such wonderful Godly children, because they go to "church" hahaha
yeah I guess church teaches the
ss9 - to be a lying, lazy, crybaby
ss15 - lazy as hell
ss18 - a lying, deceiving, phoney Christian

now he is starting to see, that his kids aint worth shyt to write home about. hahaha gotta love it.

12yrstepmonster's picture

My DH is way harder on our together child, and then my oldest then his two.

For younger dd he says it's the last time he can make an impact.

For oldest dd he says he is with her more and she lives with us.

BellaMia's picture

I can totally relate to the "godly" thing. DH and his fam have been conditioned to think going to church and ACTING and TALKING like you're Christian is fabulous. Some of THEE worst people in our lives right now are the main ones asking me, "Why don't you go to church?" The next time one of them asks me that, I'm going to ask, "How do YOU manage to go without being struck by lightning?"

Gracefulsilver's picture

THere  is a difference between "church people" and "God's people".  those people are just church people

DaizyDuke's picture

Going to church does not make you a good person, just like standing in the garage does not make you a car.

purpledaisies's picture

Sorry but I would tell him all kids are to be treated fairly when it comes to rules and discipline! End of story! I would NOT let him 'PICK' on one kid or several and not be fair for all kids.

We have 5 kids all together and when the boys are here I make sure things are fair when it comes to rules and discipline. It took a while for dh to see that he has to be that way but he finally saw it. He even thanked me for making him see that he has to be fair and be a dad to his kids.

wicked's picture

I am sick to death of hearing DH brag about how "very intentional" he was in raising his little snots - neither of whom lived with us after they turned 14. And he wonders why I don't support him more with trying to make in impact on my son, age 16. Sorry, I just don't agree with a lot of what he thinks and does. And even the stuff I do agree with, he thinks I am not doing it fast enough or good enough or enough enough enough... I think he is trying to make up for what he missed with his girls, but I get so weary of it.