O/T: Taking kids out of school early for christmas break
So DH and I have been planning to get away for a week since the beginning of his year, to go without any kids (DD1 and SS9). Suddenly in June, BM informs us that she can't handle SS anymore and for us to take him temporarily for the foreseeable future. Keep in mind we live 9 hours away from any family, including BM. So he's started a new school and so far seems to be doing fine. He has ADHD so treatment and help with that has been on-going since he started school. I'm just giving you that piece of info to see if it would factor into taking him out of school early. Technically BM has full legal and physical custody. DH and BM have not filed anything in court to revise the court order since SS started living with us. So do you think it would be so bad to take SS (grade 4) out of school early 4 days. It would be the last four days leading up to the Christmas holidays. I would really hate to pass up this opportunity to go away for a bit with my husband to relax and enjoy ourselves. We haven't gone anywhere since our honeymoon 2 years ago. since then we have both been working hard and saving up for this. My parents would be taking DD1 during that time, and we are hoping BM or her parents will take SS (pretty sure that's fine, since NONE of them work) Anyways, I'm just wondering if it's ok to miss a few days of school for a 4th grader, obviously we would be speaking with the teacher to get any extra work that he could do to make up for that time. Or if BM will use the court order to try to ruin our plans. DH wants to go, but is a bit uneasy with what the repercussions would be for taking SS out of school like that. I know when I was young, my parents took my sister and I out of school a few times for a week at a time and it was fine, but not sure if things are different now...
Any advice??
Sorry I guess I wasn't too
Sorry I guess I wasn't too clear. We are taking him out of school a few days early to go to BM or his grandparents. DH and I are going on the vacation by ourselves. We are not bringing our DD or SS. For 1, SS doesn't have a passport and 2. DH and I have been through a lot this past year and really need to go away to re-connect. We live 9 hours away from any family, he works around 60 hours a week, I stay home with SS (who requires as much attention as 3 kids combined) and DD1. We also have not had a date night in 2 years. We are both stressed to the max...
As a teacher, I can honestly
As a teacher, I can honestly say that where we live those last few days are trash days. We have already turned in grades and can't start anything new because they will forget it over holidays. Either way I think it would be ok. Just check with the teacher because things are changing this year a lot with common core curriculum taking effect.