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O/T - Basic ? regarding all kids

hbell0428's picture

My BD12 is begging to school clothes shopping BY HERSELF! Ya right! She is giving me the famous......."all my friends are doing it" line. I don't mind giving her $ here and there but......really?? Am I being unfair here??

VioletsareBlue's picture

Nope. We just let SD15 do some of her own shopping last year but we made it clear that we have veto power on ANYTHING she purchases with our money that do not meet our standards and she knows what those are.

In addition, she can buy whatever she wants with her own money, but if it doesn't meet our standards she will never wear it in our house or out of the house, so she would have to hide it.

She's been good about it so far, but at 12, no way. She asked us when she was 12 and we nixed it.

Agged and Fragged's picture

When my son was a kid sometime around his early teenhood I started giving him a clothing allowance twice a year that excluded what I consider "essentials" (underwear, socks, shoes). I let him spend his clothing allowance as he saw fit, that way we completely bypassed all the "I don't like my clothes, mom" arguments.

But that's a boy, and he's 26 now, times change.

I like the veto power idea. That way the kid comes to you with her choices and has say in the matter but you can ride herd on any decisions that might be ... um, questionable?