O/T- have you seen the Kay's ad?
I wanted to throw up and quite frankly wouldn't shop Kays if I lived in the US....
The gist is a 'soon to be stepdad presents his adorable soon to be (young!!)SD with a diamond necklace exactly like the one he just gave to the BM.'- with the tagline, have an open heart...
So many things wrong with this whole tableau I can't even begin. Maybe I'm just so jaded now.. I don't know. What do you guys think? Dh said, "awwww" I rolled my eyes.
Yep, quite few really icky
Yep, quite few really icky ones this year. Now if it was a smaller version of mom's, that would have been better.
There is another one about
There is another one about making "our home his (ss's) home". :sick:
Just wait til SS see's it and tells you how everything you did is wrong and you will never be part of "their" family! yeah... I am jaded too.
I've seen one where the DH
I've seen one where the DH thanks his wife for making their home his dad's home. Like the son & his wife took in an elderly father & she helped him feel it was his home.
I haven't seen one about a SS.
I totally agree! My DH tells
I totally agree!
My DH tells me that if his parents are ever in the position of not being able to live on their own that he would want to take care of them, and that is all well and good BUT I am not putting my life on hold to take care of them! So if HE WANTS them to live with us then HE can take care of them and cater to them and put HIS life on hold. PERIOD. (I love my in-laws and all but once my son is grown and out of the house it is MY TIME!!!)
My DH wants to eventually
My DH wants to eventually bring his special needs brother to live with us. Umm...NO! MIL has to take him with her everywhere. I am not doing that. DH has two other brothers, one of which keeps the special needs brother quite a bit. He can take on that responsibility. I'm not doing it. Don't get me wrong, I love his brother, but I am not tying myself down to care for someone after my kid is grown. Selfish? Maybe. I just know it would be me who wound up carting him around all the time, and I don't want to.
I saw them both- the one
I saw them both- the one where the guy gave the same necklace to future SD as he did to future wife, and the one where the DH says "thanks for making our home his home" and SM replies "our home is his home."
OMG I wanted to puke when I saw them. Of course, DH thought they were great.
f'n HATE that commerical....
f'n HATE that commerical.... :sick: :sick:
yeah, Stepdad is going to
yeah, Stepdad is going to regret that one...lol
I throw up in my mouth and
I throw up in my mouth and roll my eyes EVERY time I see that commercial...GAG!!! :sick:
That will be the day I do ANYTHING or buy anything for skid! I'm pretty sure hell would freeze over first....
not my kid..not my
not my kid..not my problem...and surely not MY money.... }:)
FUCK NO!!! My money is for
My money is for me, my DH, and my BS10...PERIOD. DOT.
BM and skid can live under a bridge for all I fucking care! }:)
I think it's a cute
I think it's a cute commercial. Not all SPs hate their SKs. Not all
all SKs are brats.
Some step families work so well, that outsiders have no idea the family isn't a traditional family.
Yes I've seen the commercial,
Yes I've seen the commercial, and I can't stand it.
While the "idea" is nice that a future stepfather wants to include FSD, it's not something that needs to be in a commercial like that.
It reminds me of all the luxury car commercials where it implies that people buy cars for each other on holidays. Uh, no. These commercials, as well as the Kay commercial with the guy giving the necklace to the little girl just make me gag.
I hope it happens in real life, but it should be private. And what if Mom had a little boy instead of a little girl? Does he get squat just because he's a boy? It's too much.
My FDH saw that and said
My FDH saw that and said 'Awwwwww' and I said 'Are you kidding me? If a Step Mom had given that little girl that necklace, she'd be like 'SCREW YOU b$%&*! YOU'RE NOT MY REEEAALLLLL MOM!'
^^^soooooo true!!!!!
^^^soooooo true!!!!! }:)
....what an ungrateful
:jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: ....what an ungrateful bitch.....that is all....
omg- i needed these giggles
i needed these giggles today!
Wow! I still have the first
Wow! I still have the first ring my parents ever bought me. I was 10 yo when I got it.
No problem with a stepparent
No problem with a stepparent giving a gift and including a child in the blending process .. it should be a different, or at least less expensive than the gift he gives his WIFE.
^^^ding ding ding!!!!!......
^^^ding ding ding!!!!!...... }:)
I think the guy in the ad was
I think the guy in the ad was just trying to butter up the woman so he could get into her pants that night.
Yes the mother lol. If you
Yes the mother lol. If you watch the ad closely you observe that after the guy gives the little girl a necklace he walks to the mother who embraces him ever so lovingly. The art of getting on mom’s good side
That commercial doesn't
That commercial doesn't really bother me. I think because it's a stepdad expressing love & acceptance to his stepdaughter/wife. I don't think there's really question of "position" between a parent & child like there can be between a bio-child & a stepparent.
It would bother me more if it were a bio-dad giving his daughter the same gift he gave his new wife.
No way would I have wanted DH
No way would I have wanted DH to buy my young daughter freaking diamond jewelry before we were even married. Seriously inappropriate, imo.
My FDH actually said to me,
:sick: My FDH actually said to me, "Why don't you do something like that?" (Kind of kidding), but I said, "Oh, I didn't know you liked necklaces." Plus, we're not getting married anytime soon. }:)
Those Kay commercials are cheesey...who would propose to their girlfriend in a jewelry store??
I have no problem with the
I have no problem with the giving of a gift- NOT THE SAME GIFT.
What bugs is a diamond for a child, and the soft 'thank you' by BM to step at the end. Like all of the nonsense will be swept away by a trinket.
Mind you- the marketing team at Kay's isn't stupid... check us out!! we are all thinking about them.... lol
Has anyone seen that video going around? Where the man also "proposes" to his future wife's daughter? Essentially making her part of the process?
LMAO Terri!
LMAO Terri!
I LOVE IT! I just snorted
I just snorted coffee
I hate that commercial too!
I hate that commercial too! And I think Jane Seymore's collection looks like a couple of sets of balls hanging down.
I hope they like em. It's the only time the new wife will ever see her new DH's balls because more than likely they are still in the BM's purse.
Here's my question for all of
Here's my question for all of you .. have you ever really seen a TV show/movie/commercial that accurately depicted exactly what it is we go through?
I haven't.
I'm not sure why anyone gets bent out of shape over a commercial .. it's intended to SELL product .. and I'm sure the MAJORITY of people (who are not stepparents) find the commercial endearing.
SD14 even thinks it's creepy.
SD14 even thinks it's creepy.
However, if it was HER father giving it to her, she'd be ok with it. The first expensive piece of jewelry DH gave me, SD14 was 8 at the time. She immediately said "how come you won't buy ME diamonds, Daddy?" He replied "Someday your future husband will buy you nice jewelry, too" good answer, DH
LOL...I thought the same
LOL...I thought the same thing. I said that should go in the hall of fame of "worst message commercials ever." You know, the cartoon depression drug commercial where they describe depression as this comforting bathrobe? That would go in there as well
I think the tag line for this is "buy her love with diamonds" Wowzers.