Not sure if this has ever been a topic before
Pretty sure it has. But here goes anyway. If you could say whatever you wanted to skids BM, what would you say or do? Good, bad and down right ugly!!! Truthfully though!! You have BM all to yourself no skids around and no DH.
Here's mine.....
How dare you abandon your children and then blame everything on their dad and me. You are a manipulating b*tch and God shouldn't have given you the capablities to have kids. You are a liar and a thief. You have blinded your kids by playing the victim and one day you will pay. You disgust me and frankly I wouldn't spit on you if you were on fire. You are a pathetic loser that allows your kids to make excuses for you. I'm tired of you thinking that my HB owes you something just because you gave birth to his children. He owes you nothing and never will. You are constantly looking for sympathy because you can't straighten your own life out. Still living with mommy and daddy you poor excuse for a woman. I can't believe that you think you shouldn't have to support your kids and are angry because you are forced to. You were given the chance to settle out of court and you chose not to. To bad, so sad. If you think for one second that I will or will allow my DH to fall for your BS you have another thing coming. And as for you saying to me that everything you do is for the kids you are so full of it. Where are you when it's time to take them to practice, to school functions, fundraisers etc? Screw you, and your nonsense. It's pretty sad that their teachers don't even know your name. But that's OK they know mine!!! Have a nice day!!!
I think I would say
Please God move on with your life. It's been 13 years since your divorce!! I would love nothing more than to see you happily married, to a DECENT, loving person, enjoying a stable lifestyle, financially and emotionally, and not living your life thru SD, with all the pressure on her that entails.
Please let her go to live her own life, guilt free! instead of being a millstone around her neck and so financially and emotionally dependent on a child. If you will do that, all is forgiven! (so far anyway!) ha ha
Oh yes and please stop promoting a Victim Mentality in SD . . . she doesn't need that crutch. It is as ineffective and self-defeating for her as it is for you, and does not encourage her best interests, at all.
"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin
You've got everything you
You've got everything you could want now. You're remarried, already had one "disney princess" child, and you're about to have another. You're "doing it right" this time, so please just focus on that, and let go of SD, who you don't treat like part of your family, but more like a maid. Grow up, be a woman, provide for your new family so you don't have to use SD's CS to pay for groceries for all of you, and give the girl a chance at being happy. Let her be in an environment that will nuture her to be a responsible adult, an intelligent well rounded human being, with people who can give her the attention and love she needs.
I feel sorry for your new children, that you're going to raise them in ignorance, prejudice and sexism. You're so negative towards SD, I feel sorry for any child who's imprisoned with you 24x7, which is your proported plan, to homeschool your new brood. But they're not my concern, and for all I care, you can raise them in your image, but SD knows better, and has her father and I to show her that life doesn't HAVE to be a white trash fairy tale, complete with "prince charming's' broken down monster truck and harley in the front yard.
She already resents the hell out of you for all of this, and you'd think you'd get the harder you FORCE her to live this way, the more shes' going to act out, rebel, and hate you, but you're too controlling and angry to ever get this, and it's my biggest hope every day that SD can avoid the trap of turning all this negativity inward, and becoming what you were, an angry bitter drug using teenager who sees the only way to keep a good guy in her life is to get pregnant at 17.
I do have hope for her though, b/c she's got a strong, intelligent educated female role model in me, and I am only to happy to support her aspirations to be better than you!
from my SD, the reason we're going through it all....:
o, btw, my dad and *northernsiren* are the best family a girl(and boy) could ever hope for. Thank you for helpping me through these hard times.
I did have this opportunity.......
And I told her flat out....." you should have been sterilized at birth, you cheating , lying wh** continue to interfere in my life, and I'll see to it that yours is more miserable than it is already.!! From that day on, she was scared of me. ha-ha-ha."~waiting on the world to change~"
Chel Bell
GOOD FOR YOU GIRLFRIEND!!!!!! Go girl!!!!!!! I bet that felt good!
yup, still does!"~waiting on the world to change~"
Me and your ex, MY husband,
Me and your ex, MY husband, see through your little games. We know you get the kids to call just to try and cause arguments and split us up. We know you cant bear the thought that this is the second time that a father of one of your many illegitimate kids has married someone else. We want you to know that in spite of your attempts to undermine our marriage it just makes us more united in our scorn and condemnation of you. Whatever you throw at us we just laugh it off and grow stronger. You and your kids will never split us up so get over it, move on and get a life of your own. Find a bloke and stop wallowing in self pity that your fat, losing what modicum of looks you thought you had and that all the decent blokes at your age are taken.
"Dispute not with her, she is a lunatic."
just say it
I just told her she was a liar, a cheater and a bad person...I think I threw in whore somewhere, I've told her she's a bad mother twice, and that she made her bed so lie in it. I have no issues about saying what's on my mind to her, she's such an oxygen waster
I sent her a letter
You are a pathetic excuse for a parent. You are selfish and use your children as weapons against BF because you can't accept the fact that he left you because you are a mean, nasty person who made his life hell and now he has moved on. You claim that he is unfit to be a parent when you are the one that is unfit. He only wants what is best for them and has tried to do all the right things while you have only used them as a paycheck for child support and used them to try to hurt BF when really you are only hurting them.You continually put them in the middle of your sick little games. You make them lie for you and then they feel guilty because they have lied. When SD got burned because she was cooking dinner for her and her brother, you weren't even there and it was your fault she got burned. Then you had them lie for you and say that you were right there. You get xxx dollars in child support yet you can't even pay your bills. You live in welfare housing and use the system because you think you are above working and actually doing something to support your children. Your phone got shut off because you can't even pay a $20 phone bill. You would rather sit at the casino and gamble every last dime of the child support you get instead of using it for the children and their needs. You pawned your son's playstation for gambling money.You didn't buy them any new clothes for school so they have to go dressed in hand me downs and rags. You are a selfish piece of trash. You have gone through so many boyfriends because after so long they see right through you for what you are and then throw you away. You will never find another decent man because you are trash and no good man wants to support a gambling addict that uses the system and refuses to work who only cares about herself. The kids are better off with BF because you can't provide for them and give them what they need including respect, love, and nurturing. They never want to go back to you after spending their time with BF because they know they have it so much better here than with you. One day they will see right through you for what you really are and they will not want to be with you because you won't give them what they need. I will pray for you that you can one day become a better person for your children's sake.
I would say...
As little as possible frankly because it makes me want to hurl just at the thought of her. I would say, you created this monster in your image so you should be so proud that your your daughter is a blood sucking, emotional draining, train wreck child that can't see reality for what it is and that just because I married her father that I personnaly do not owe her or you anything!! And further more, if you could have taught her problem solving skills that she would not have turned into you, but then again you are so dumb, that you think that she is just perfect!!
I hate you !!
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
There is just WAY too MUCH!
I have told her, written her etc. She is just too stupid to compute anything that comes out of anyones mouth! The most recent dispute was over her calling and claiming that we were making SD sick! So when we got to the house to pick up SD, I let her have it! But the greatest thing was she was the one yelling, or should I quote her, "talk to the hand, talk to the hand, I'm not listening to you!" Can you believe that! What was so great I kept my composure, told her that she was acting like a two year old, and to please stop yelling because we don't yell in front of SD! I then told her that it was awefully funny that we were the ones making SD sick, but yet it took her two weeks to take SD to the get her runny nose looked at anyways! She then turns around and actually stomps her feet and yells for her Mom!
What I really can't wait to do is the day after SD 18th birthday is go straight to BM's house, knock on the door and puch her right in the nose! LOL. But by then she will probably have done something completely stupid and f'd things up for herself! KARMA
I said it.
The day after I got engaged, she came by to pick up the stepkiddo at Fi's softball game. We talked for a big, and she looked at my ring, (and we were really amicable.) I handed her a letter stating my respect for her as K's mom, and how I wanted to be a 'part' of the team, and not add to any stress. We've been somewhat okay ever since.
I went through cancer earlier in the year and I even talked to her on the phone about it- (she had been through it.) I hope we can remain.. somewhat- amicable.