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Not sure how I’m meant to feel?

Climbmountains91's picture

SO wants to take me and all the kids to soft play today (BM won't let me meet them but legally he can do what he wants, story in old posts) 

I said "what if the oldest whose five says anything" he's reply "oh she won't I'll just say XYZ" 

I'm sick of me, the daughter we share and my six year old being some sort of secret and a lie. I don't know why he can't just tell her. I know she won't be happy but I'm not being a lie anymore. I'm tired of this. 

Thisisnotus's picture

I missed the part before that you have a child together.

This is not okay. You have a decision to make....either now is the go and meet them today and all of this nonsense stops for good.....or you end this relationship.

tog redux's picture

Yeah, I agree - this is crazy.

OP, he needs to grow a pair of balls and stand up to BM.  He's let this go on for far too long.  I would have zero patience for this.

Lollybobs's picture

 Your OH needs to grow a massive pair and quickly. Stop allowing him to do this to you. Sorry, but sounds to me as if he's enjoying the secrecy. Not nice.

Harry's picture

There no reason not to meet you, and understand there father has another child with you.   BM can not do anything about it.  For some reason he is playing BM games. Letting her have control over his / your life. This has to stop now.

Harry's picture

There no reason not to meet you, and understand there father has another child with you.   BM can not do anything about it.  For some reason he is playing BM games. Letting her have control over his / your life. This has to stop now.

sickofstephell's picture

Feel how he is treating you: like the side piece.

I apologize for the harshness - but this is RIDICULOUS.

Disneyfan's picture

The only time a man hides is current SO and their children  is if he's still screwing his ex.

This man is treating you like his dirty little secret and you are allowing it.

Rags's picture

He has failed and betrayed you, the daughter you share, your 6yo and his prior relationship children.

Time to go. Or better yet, rekey the locks and he can go. Don't forget to nail his ass to the wall for a massive CS bill.