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suthrnrose's picture

Hi, I am new to Step Talk. I am a 35 year old wife and mother/stepmother. My hubby and I have a 7 month old son and he has a 14 year old stepson and a 15 year old stepdaughter that live with us. He has full custody of them and their "mom" lives out of the country. I'm so glad to have found this place because it's so nice to get some things off my chest about being a stepmom. It's such a hard job when you have to do it day in and day out and not just on every other weekend, summers, and holidays. Glad to be here and I hope I get to know some of you along the way.

Bobbi's picture

Welcome to the site suthrnrose. We have a GREAT group of people here!

I stumbled upon this site when I was desperately searching for some information on stepfamilies. I was feeling extremely depressed and didn't know where to turn. I am so glad I found Steptalk, it has really helped me and I hope it helps you too!

happy's picture

I have only been here for awhile and I love it.. You will too.
Most of all when you are feeling bad or mad or sad the ladies here say things sometimes and you cannot help but laugh and get into a better mood..

JustNix's picture

Welcome to you, i found this site a few weeks ago looking for information and help about my BF's ex and since it's been one of the most helpful sites i've come across. These people are just nice and with all the experiences it's a great place to vent and get advice.

I tell people about this site all the time now.