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New Pill for EX BM'S coming soon

wicked step monster's picture

Take one tablet put in slingshot and shoot into any ex BM's mouth that is causing trouble.
CAUTION... works instantly

side effects:brings about instant greatfullness
takes venom out of conversations about new step moms
makes you appreciate all that bio dads do
makes you tell the truth
makes you not interfere with biodads new life
( still testing on other side effects)

Any one want them when I finally can convince a pharmacy to make them?

Anne 8102's picture

Good idea, but I think we need to take it to the family courts and ask all judges to order it for anyone who's causing problems, whether it's the BM, the SM, the BF, the SF, the kids, the interfering grandparents, etc. Can you imagine?! You may have discovered the solution to world peace!

~ Anne ~

Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice: Pull down your pants and slide on the ice! -M*A*S*H (Sidney Freedman to the OR staff on dealing with stress)

Cruella's picture

Anne you are soo funny!!! LOL!

Little Jo's picture

What a dream.

But I'm afraid there isn't enough drugs on the planet that would help Darkness snap out of it.

Lise's picture

Lol if only it was possible, you`d find me right up there at the front of the queue for that one.

septembers_child's picture

LOL...I don't deal with a "BM" she abandoed the step brat 6.5 years ago..However, I have often cracked the joke out of the presence of DH and Step Brat that I wish they had a pill for retro active abortion..Because I would fight tooth and nail to get to the front of that line to obtain one and administer it to "the BM"...

Daddysgirl's picture

my left arm for that! And I have left handed!

marriednlonely's picture

wonder what would happen if you gave BM 400mg's????}:) Maybe she'd pay her child support on time (she is $9568.00 in arrears and getting deeper), maybe she'd pick the kids up on time or bring them back having already been fed dinner. OMG, maybe she'd quit telling the kids I am their fathers prostitute..... Please send me a bottle soon!!!

Endora's picture

Good one Crayon!!

Last night DH came up with a funny one (and he was NOT drinking-not that he drinks, he is diabetic-however)

We were watching Dr. Phil and he has a Bootcamp Parenting for teens special on at the Dr. Phil house ...the parents were going back to baby days...

DH said: "Zippy16.5 was conceived via invitro fertilization-I should have drawn face and put a wig on the specimen container, couldn't even have dinner first-pretty sterile beginning...."

So we would have to have birthcontrol for artificial means of fertilization....thinking....

Step Parenting – you might need to step back before you step in something!