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New I alone when I say I can't stand my step-kids?

CGirl's picture


Brief history: married one year, met the stepkids (boys, 13 and 15) last summer, spent one long agonizing month with them...they were horrible. I couldn't even believe that they came from my H! We took them on a week vacation this summer, and they barely had the time of day for their own father, let alone me. But this time? I didn't care. When they got off the ferry to meet us, I said "Hey, Guys! How ya doin?" and was met with a blank stare from each of them. I decided right then and there, no more. I will be civil, but that's IT, I certainly will no longer attempt to pursue any type of normal relationship with them.

They cost H (well, both of us, really) an arm and a leg, and I'm fed up. The only time H hears from either of them is when they want something ($$$). They don't even phone him on his birthday/father's day, etc.

Don't even get me started on the mother. Heard a term today that apparently came from here...she has Golden Uterus syndrome...LMAO!

INgeborg Hirsch's picture

Just be glad your step children are boys, and not girls. Most of the mothers on this forum have horrible problems on account of step daughters.

dontcallmestepmom's picture

Yep, my DH's daughter is worse than his 2 sons. She is the most vicious. Sad

RedWingsFan's picture

Yeah, there isn't much else worse than the mini wife syndrome displayed by pre-teen and teenage stepdaughters, is there? Makes me sick!

MarriedaBallessWonder's picture

Haa haa! Me too! That is why I made sure who I dated didn't have daughters.

But as I learned the hard way, boys suck just as much. I wish I'd have fell in love with a man that was childless and did not have a crazy, lazy, greedy entitled ExW.

TASHA1983's picture

"But as I learned the hard way, boys suck just as much. I wish I'd have fell in love with a man that was childless and did not have a crazy, lazy, greedy entitled ExW."

I love my BF sooo much BUT.....DITTO! DITTO! DITTO!!!!!

TASHA1983's picture

Same thing here...I cant stand my BF's S11 or bm. They are nothing but trouble...whenever they are in the pic it is nothing but negative drama and bullshit. BM is a gold digger and SS is turning into one. Kid never calls or texts to see how his dad is or on his bday or Father's day etc. but of course when skid or bm WANT something there is a text from her!!!

My BF and I are BOTH on the same page in regards to skid and bm. He is sooo done with them and all bullshit associated with them! He does the "daddy thing" EOWE and for 2 hours every Wedn and pays 230.00 a wk in CS and nothing more!!! I am sooo thankful that I have a wonderful BF that DOESNT let or allow skid & bm to control ANY area of our life or relationship!!!

dontcallmestepmom's picture

Your BF is like my DH. THAT is why we work as a couple. We were married 2 months ago, the skids were not there, and it was wonderful. As long as our guys keep it this way, it will work. My DH just finished CS, and we made an agreement that they are not getting a cent. That may sound harsh, but his kids are abusive. Plus, they do not want to work. I am not supporting them-they literally want to be like BM and sit on the couch and do nothing.

I am glad you have a good guy who GETS IT!

TASHA1983's picture

I am sooo thankful that I have a great guy that "gets it" too!!! If he changed in ANY WAY in regards to skid & bm and how he handles them and their bs I would be GONE!!!

I love him very much but I REFUSE to let/allow a 11 yr old pos and his gold digging c*** XW run/rule our lives & relationship!!! EVER!!!

RedWingsFan's picture

Same here. You're among friends and people who are either living the same life as you, have lived the same life is you, or are contemplating living the same! So, yes, feel free to post your thoughts, feelings, situations, stories, etc. We'll all be here to sympathize, give advice and pat you on the back!

dontcallmestepmom's picture

Can't stand mine either. Yours are similar to mine. I tried being nice, did not work. They call me vile names. They only contact DH when they want money. He stopped that, so they said *I* have ruined their lives. They are not productive at all-young adults who won't work and feel the world owes them.

The thing that works for me is that my DH woke up and he puts me first. He is the best thing that ever happened to me. If he had not woken up, he would not be DH. It was really bad in the beginning.

If your DH is the same as mine, you will be fine.

CGirl's picture

It's still early days, I suppose, but my patience wears thin at times! The kids live on the opposite coast, so at least I don't have to deal with them on a regular's the money thing that I'm having a hard time dealing with at the moment. About 1600 a month, plus, plus, plus, plus PLUS. Then I get told that I have to watch MY spending. And I'm not much of a spender, believe me!

I figured better to vent here than to vent at home; H already went through a life of hellish desperation with Wife # 1. Yet he still (sometimes, not so much anymore) caters to her every demand. Like I said. Thankfully they live far and we don't have them around the corner!

EX-W has been verrrrry quiet these days. The kids just started school...and I have a hard time believing that she hasn't requested any extra $$$, like she tried to do last year. I just have this sneaking suspicion that she's saving up for a double whammy. Either that, or H is keeping it from me...and I really hope for his sake that he isn't trying to slide one under the radar. We've already been there, done that regarding the ex and her two failed attempts at birth control...!

MarriedaBallessWonder's picture

I hear ya!

"the ex and her two failed attempts at birth control...!"

LMAO! I call mine the two loads she should have swallowed. }:)

CGirl's picture

Amen! I can't wait til we're done...but DH has signed some cursed agreement with his EX that has him on the hook until the brats do their 2nd post secondary degree! That's their masters! Eff! We'll be paying til we're fricken 60 years old at this rate....

But I'm trying to get H to see sense, and have the agreement altered to END when they reach the age of majority in BC. 19 years of age. That would put us at about 6 more years...Gah. This could quite possibly be the death of me, I swear!

MarriedaBallessWonder's picture

No you are not alone my friend!

I cannot stand my step-shits or the entitled womb they dropped out of.

CGirl's picture

"Two loads she could have swallowed"! OMFG! Hilarious! At least here, I'm surrounded by people who understand what it's like! 'Entitled Womb'. Killer!

CGirl's picture

Sigh...reading more and more on here and I keep on thinking that it's nothing a couple of well placed bull**s wouldn't fix. JK... Blum 3