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New Here and needing to vent and get guidance about CRAZY ex-wives

hsearls's picture


*****SORRY this is LONG***

I did a google search on crazy ex-wives and came across your site.

I will try to be as concise as I can be, but i am about at the end of my rope.

I am 38 years old, and my boyfriend has lived with me for 3 years. I will say in summary that the relationship was a rebound for both of us as we had recently left other long term relationships. I have a great ex husband, and my boyfriend has a alcoholic, crazy ex-wife. Crazy is too light of a verb though i am afraid.

My BF did not believe that she would act the way she has acted. He told be she was an alcoholic and that she was very promiscuous. No one was prepared for the inevitable. In the beginning she just would text and send hateful emails. I urged my bf to fight back when she started telling lies about him not providing her with money prior to the divorce.
That began a little email war that escalated. Here are some of the more noteworthy incidents:

She slept with one of my bf's friends and co-workers to learn information about us and our work (we work for the same company.)

She completely alienated his then 15 year old and 20 year old daughters with her lies. My BF wanted to get custody of the youngest, but she refused to leave the state of Florida. My boyfriend had relocated to Colorado to live with me and she would have had to have moved.

She contacted our work and said that we were using drugs and stealing from the company.

In short the woman is hateful, vulgar, drunk and mean Smile

And the list goes on. In retrospect we should not have engaged her, I thought it was wise to keep an eye on her as my BF was ordered to pay her alimony for life, and eventually he planned to fight this as she has been living with another man since the separation.

Now to the meat of the story:

Last spring the youngest daughter called in a panic. She said that her mother had gotten extremely drunk and was threatening to kill her. My bf urged the youngest to call 911. She did, and the mother was held for 3 days for evaluation as alcohol, guns and knives were found at the scene.
My BF then got custody of his daughter who was then 17. During the 2 years of living with her mom she had gained around 80 pounds, droppped out of high school her sophmore year, smoked marijuana and had an abortion. Great huh? Both she and her sister said they wanted a fresh start so they moved out here.

Let me say that i have never had children or lived with children or teens.

In the months prior to the move i had developed a relationship with the oldest. I believed that she really wanted to get back in college, get a job and move ahead with her life. I was wrong. From the beginning, she would stay up all night role playing on the computer, never showered or took pride in her appearance, and showed no motivation to get a job. She finally got a job after 3 months but at that point my relationship with her had really degraded. My bf would drive her to work every day, we would feed her and she would do nothing else. After numerous arguments with my bf, he finally agreed that she needed to get her own place.

Meanwhile the youngest was really a surprise. She helped around the house, enrolled in a virtual high school and really seemed to want to make a new life for herself and not end up like her mom.

This changed last fall shortly before she turned 18. She is a very self focused girl, which i suspect a lot of teens are. We got her clothes, trips to the salon, took her with us on all of our outings, but she showed little interest in joining clubs or getting out on her own to meet new friends. Her main interest at the time was talking or texting to her bf back in Florida. She wanted to go back to Florida and stay with her boyfriend and his family at Christmas. We felt bad for her and bought her a plane ticket so she could do this, with the stipulation that she get a job prior to the trip so she could buy clothes and have some spending money.

She ended up getting a job at McDonalds. Not the best job, but still a job. She hated having to work and her personality quickly changed. Prior to leaving for her trip she dropped out of her internet school (she was 18 and felt it was better to get a GED). When she returned from her trip she refused to return to her work and refused to go to school. At this point, I had little patience. I told my boyfriend either she works or goes to school or both but she had to do something. She threw a fit and went to live with her sister.

Ultimately they both moved back to Florida to live with their mom. Since then their mother (the ex) has been on a huge campaign of hate. She has a blog that she routinely posts her lies on. The youngest is fueling this hate as her mom allows her to drink, smoke pot and not work or go to school. They have posted photo shopped pictures of me, contacted my friends on facebook, say i use drugs, etc and live to harass me.

I finally persuaded my bf to contact his lawyer to end her harassment, which he did reluctantly. It has been 2 months and we have heard little from the lawyer other than that she is working on it.

So finally i get to my point. The stress is killing me. Deep down i resent my boyfriend as i would never be in this situation if i was not with him. I love my boyfriend and what once was, but i simply don't know how much more i can take.

CrystalRE's picture

WOW~ that is really some heavy stuff! The good news is that the kids are grown. They dont need your financial or emotional support as much as they did when they were younger. As cold as it sounds I think its time to leave Mom to deal with the mess she has created. I certainly wouldnt tell your BF that he shouldnt have contact with the kids but I would remove yourself from the situation as much as possible. If he goes to visit them, stay home...if they come to visit him, find other things to do. If you can prove what Mom is doing, get a restraining order against her. You dont have to wait for your BF to do it. She is attempting to ruin your reputation and is causing harmful stress in your life. You need to take control.

hsearls's picture

Based on how everything played out with both the children, I dont think their Dad will talk to them anytime soon. I left out a lot, but there is one detail that i forgot to mention that illustrates the youngest daughters behavior and attitude. Shortly after she left, she called my bf's phone at 2am DRUNK and crying and saying she was going to kill herself. My bf tried to talk to her and talked to her sister about getting her help. The youngest apologized for all the hateful things she told her mom to try and hurt us.

I wanted to believe that she had found her conscience, but the next day she told her mom that we hacked her facebook and got her cell number and that we were harassing her.

Really...I just don't think this is the place i want to be in right now. I used to be a happy person, now i am a ball of stress. It would take pages and pages to describe what has happened.

TheWife's picture


Rome wasn't built in a day, and my marriage won't be either.

Shannon61's picture

Indeed, I try to keep at least 2 bottles of wine in the house at all times.

On a more serious note as another poster said, you have to take control of this situation and put your foot down. If you don't it will likely get worse.

First talk to bf and tell him how stressed and frustrated you are and that you're no longer happy with the relationship as it stands. After that tell him you plan to disengage from BM and the daughters because they are his problem . .not yours. If BM continues to harrass you, file a restraining order. Clearly the daughters are just a nutty as BM.

Since you're not legally tied to this situation, you really don't have to deal with this foolishness unless you choose to . . and why would you choose to?

Put your foot down, reclaim your happy life and peace of mind. Life is too short for anything else.

Good luck.

hsearls's picture

Funny you should mention that, I wasn't much of a drinker until i got into this relationship. Now i find myself having 4-5 drinks a week. Not the 18 beer a day habit of the BM but still.

I have talked to my bf about this and his usual response is "there is nothing you can do about her, you are just letting her affect your life." This is true, however, I have seen from past experience that she will keep escalating until she gets a reaction. I posted below that her latest is tell my coworkers i am taking "pill cocktails" I feel i have to look to be prepared for what happens next. She has gone so far as to contact my ex-husband and his wife. Both of them wrote her off as crazy and my ex husband tried to defend me, but ultimately gave up when she started harassing him too.

We have filed a harassment suit, however the lawyer has not responded with any new info.

I don't even know if my bf and i broke up if that would end the harassment. I also fear hurting him when he has already gone through so much.

hsearls's picture

I agree. I try to avoid the state of Florida if I can.

My BF tried to help the girls by trying to give them a chance at a new life away from their mom. They were both too used to being lazy that they couldn't move ahead. He has given up on them. The oldest needs psychiatric help as she truly believes she is the "werecat" that she role plays and the youngest just wants to take naked pictures of herself to get drugs. What can you do but walk away from that?

My BF and the BM should have never have had kids. I think my BF tried to be a good dad at times and instill discipline but he was always undermined by the BM so he just checked out. He freely admits this.

We are pretty sure the BM is a Borderline Personality and we believe the youngest is as well. Its sad that there is nothing you can do to help someone that just doesn't want your help

hsearls's picture

Thanks for your suggestions.

I try very hard to just forget that she exists, however the harassment from her my space blog eats at me. She posts to it about 5-8 times a day, all of it either out right lies or distortions.

In the latest incident she says that she is mailing the url of her site to my co-workers to tell them about my "pill cocktails." The truth behind the story is that i go on a cleanse in the summer which requires taking A LOT of supplements. The youngest did the cleanse with me for about a week before she quit when it got too hard. So yeah right pill cocktail.

I go there to look to see what she is planning on doing next and i just get angry.

But i just don't know how to get out of this situation. I don't think i can take anymore, but as i said i do love my boyfriend and I feel bad for all that he has gone through.