Need Help with SK......
Ok so my fiancé has a daughter who is now 10, we've been together for 3 years now, but if I tell her to do something then Im all of a sudden "the mean step-mom" for example I made her read during the summer because it was required summer reading, so it went back to the family that I am so mean and I made her read and do homework (which my children also had to do). Then, if I tell him something about her I'm picking on her suddenly. The only thing that comes to mind is if she is here and he has to leave then she needs to go with him, because it seems Im damned if I do, and damned if I don't. Sooooo frustrating. I don't expect anything out of her that I don't expect out of my own children (who are now 12 and 14) and we also have a 1 and 2 year old together and its not something I wont expect out of them either. I don't know what else to do but throw my hands up and say if he has to leave the house for whatever reason then he needs to take her with him if its going to be a problem if I correct her.
I have to commend you for
I have to commend you for what you are doing. Not enough parents are making their kids do the work they need to do to get ahead and get a good job down the road. Do you know how many kids sat and played video games all summer?! But yeah, if you had made your kids do it and not the skid, you would have gotten as much grief because you "don't care enough about them to help them get ahead as well..." She is old enough for you to explain to her, "I want you kids to be well-read and to do well in college, in your future, etc. and that's why I want you all to do this work. I would really enjoy watching you do well in your future as well." Then let Dad choose whether to discipline her or not. She is old enough to understand, and it will be on her to choose the right thing or not. After that, let it go. You have enough to worry about without worrying about someone else's kid who Dad doesn't want to invest in.