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My BF and I have been arguing a lot. He told me he wants to go live with his college aged kids.

Monsterchick87's picture


BF and I disagree with a lot of things. We have argued a lot and last night he told me he would like to go live with his sons ages 18 and 20. One will be going to college soon and I think he will transfer to a college in another city. The other one is waiting to go back to college and is taking online classes. He also has another son who already finished college.

he says he wants to live with them but can't because they currently live with the mother. Does it make sense that he wants to live with his grown sons instead of finding himself a companion/partner? Sure, he can live with them but they are in the process of growing up and getting ready to launch. My BF doesn't have anyone but his sons. His family is far away and his parents are no longer alive. I think that's the main reason he's having a hard time leaving me. He always says he wants to leave me but doesn't actually do it.

caninelover's picture

And yes if your BF were healthy he would be encouraging his son's to live independently and seek a partner for himself.

That does not seem to be the case and it may be best that you see his true colors now while you can still end things without too much messiness.

Survivingstephell's picture

At 18 and 20, I'm sure that they want dad crashing their lifestyles!   Dad just wants to relive that time and maybe do it "right" this time.  Mid life crisis much??

How much is too much to disagree about before you realize you need to move on from this guy??  

Smashytalk's picture

Does he need help packing his bags?

regardless of where he goes, it sounds like he doesn't want to be with you and if he wants to live with his college aged kids there's nothing to do about it. 

Thumper's picture

What RAGS said ^^^^

Let him go for goodness sake.

You will figure a way through this. Are you keeping him in your life because of money? His pay check supports you?



hereiam's picture

He always says he wants to leave me but doesn't actually do it.

Well then, I would make sure he did it. Seriously, lose this loser.

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

My exH used to love to throw threats around like that all the time to try and get his way.  One day he came home and said I want a divorce. I said I agree, packed me and DS up and left.

When he tried to back peddle I took a page out of his own book and said, Oh know this is what you really wanted, You are the one who said you wanted a divorce, now you can find your happiness. 


DPW's picture

Bye! Have fun!

All that needs to be said, in my opinion.