Mother Of my stepson wont spend time with him
Hello Im new to this site... well my story here is that i got into a relationship with my boyfriend knowing he had a son we got togheter a year ago nd his son moved with us cuz my ss's mother was going to move to chico ca with her new boyfriend i was ok with it but then she keeps on coming to LA to "see" her son like one a month to make her family believe she is still living in LA nd taking care of her son which she is not she only sees him for a few hours nd leaves i eventually got pregnant nd i couldn't really take care of him cuz all of the sudden she put him against me nd would always hit my tummy nd plus it was a complicated pregnancy she did not help me at all i had To take care of him nd myself he was too aggressive and still is he changed completely now that I had my baby im still taking care of him hes a brat he hits he is too aggressive and I just feel like I hate him he’s always telling his dad lies to have him with him if his dad tries getting close to my baby he calls him fakes that he fell or something so he wont spend time with him now his mom is pregnant nd I told her is only fair for her to take him cuz i had him for a year already is there any way to make her take care of her kid his dad does not want to take legal actions nd i dont think is fair im going crazy pls help!!!!!!
There is NO WAY to get
There is NO WAY to get someone to take care of or parent their kid, the main reason this site exists, for venting about these bio parents. Even though I think its a stretch calling any of them parents because they don't want to parent. They want to be friends with their kids first. She's NOT going to take her kid, she probably has the same issues with the brat and rather than have to deal with it she dumped him on your doorstep. How old is this kid anyhow? Your DH is the one who needs to fix this, actually he's the only one who can fix this. I wouldn't stay with anyone who put MY child in danger and if you DH doesn't want to parent his kid you may need to move on for your kid's safety. I'm not trying to give you the canned "run while you can" reply because I really don't feel it fits in this situation, but you and your DH need to set this kid on the right path because it'll only get worse as he ages. Just read some of the posts here with older skids and addiction issues or adult kids failing to get on their own with an inflated sense of entitlement.